"Im dead?"

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Y/n's POV

I was woke up by someone shaking me. I opened my eye and looked to Julie and Connie.

"We have a game today we need to get a little bit of conditioning in." Julie said.

"Why though, we had a game like two days ago." I said.

"Because we just need to now get up." Julie said.

"No." I said closing my eye.

"You know the drill." Connie said. One grabbed my leg and one grabbed my arm. They yanked me off the bed into their arms.

"You should give me some warning next time." I said. They flipped me off their arms and I got my stuff to get ready. We walked down to the cafeteria and I didn't see Jackson anywhere. I looked and seen Beau in his usual spot. We got our food and headed over to Beau.

"Hey." I said sitting down.

"Hey guys." Beau said smiling.

"Heard you did pretty good in your game last night." Connie said. Beau smiled to me as Connie said that.

"I mean scoring 4 of the 7 points is pretty good." Beau said shrugging. I chuckled at him and ate some of my food. Me and Beau got done with our food so we went to dump our trays.

"So what did you and Adam talk about yesterday?" I asked. Beau made a funny face and thought for a second.

"Nothing really he brought up how I thought he hated me, and we just talked it over." Beau said.

"Yay, I'm glad you two are talking." I said as we started back to the TV.

"Yeah he's actually pretty cool." Beau said. I smiled in response and we sat at the table. We talked waiting for Julie and Connie to be done. Once they were done we started heading to the elevators. The elevator about closed when someone came in. I didn't recognize the boy.

"Oh hey Beau." The boy said.

"Hey Luke." Beau said. I'm gonna say it was one of his teammates. The boy smiled to us as the elevator started going up. It was a comfortable silence til it was our floor.

"Bye Beau." I said.

"Bye." He responded. We walked out and towards our dorm.

"So when are we going to practice?" I asked Julie.....


"And hold, two, three."

"If Coach isn't here, then why do we have to?"

"Because we have a game tonight."

"I say mutiny, who's with me?" Goldberg asked.

"Goldberg, I'm too tired to mutiny." Dwayne said.

"Come on guys it's not like we couldn't use the conditioning." Julie said.

"Yeah." I said in agreement. I was beside Adam in warm-ups. I could tell when certain things were hurting his wrist.

"Speak for yourself babe." Dean said.

"Her names Julie not babe." Adam said defending Julie.

"Don't tell me how to talk, rich boy." Dean said going up to Adam. Adam I love you, but Dean could squish you in an instant. I started towards them only to get ran into by Adam being pushed by Dean.

"Calm down Portman." I said.

"Don't tell me what to do." He said to me.

"Portman chill." Fulton said going up to Dean. Pretty much everyone held back Fulton, I mean he was more likeable to be honest. Everybody was pushing til someone yelled from behind us.

𝗮𝗱𝗮𝗺 𝗯𝗮𝗻𝗸𝘀 ➪𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙜𝙞𝙧𝙡 𝙖𝙘𝙧𝙤𝙨𝙨 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙨𝙩𝙧𝙚𝙚𝙩 [𝙗. 1]Where stories live. Discover now