"Looks like you're in luck."

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Y/n's POV

I woke up all by myself today. I looked to see only Connie up. It must be early.

"What time is it?" I asked causing Connie to jump.

"I didn't even know you were awake, but uh 8:32." Connie said looking to me. I nodded and slowly got out of bed. I did the normal things you do in the mornings. Except there was so much extra time. I laid down on the couch watching tv. Eventually Julie woke up and got ready. I know we have practice at 3, but I'm pretty sure that's all for today. When we decided to we got up and headed to breakfast. I don't know if Beau would be there yet, I have no idea what time he gets there in the morning. We walked for a while til we showed up in the cafeteria, I haven't seen Jackson lately. Maybe his team is out, if so it's a miracle. I looked for Beau but he wasn't there yet. We only left roughly 30 minutes earlier than usual. I got my food and headed over to the table we usually sat at with Beau. The amount of people in the cafeteria has been thinning a lot lately. We ate our food for probably about 5 minutes when the familiar lacrosse player walked in. He looked to his table and looked a little surprised when he seen us here already. He got his food and came over to us.

"You guys are here early." He said sitting down.

"Well she didn't take forever to wake up today." Connie said pointing to me. I playfully rolled my eyes and continued eating. We ate our food talking a little.

"So I have a game tonight, is there any chance one of you guys could make it? It's at 6 again." Beau said looking around.

"I promised Averman I would hang out with him." Connie said.

"There's supposed to be a back to the future marathon tonight... I really wanna watch it." Julie said. Beau looked to me next.

"I got nothing else to do so sure, I'll be there." I said. Beau smiled happily.

"Sweet, this is the game that determines who goes to the championship." Beau said.

"That's awesome, you better win so we can both be going to championships." I said. Beau nodded happily and we continued on with breakfast. We were eventually done with breakfast and headed out. The elevator went up the floors and hit 4.

"See you tonight Beau." I said walking out.

"See ya, bye guys." Beau said. We walked to our dorm and went inside.


Practice was l definitely different, but in a good way. Coach said we had to go back to the basics. We studied the Iceland game on the TV, and worked to perfect what let us fail as much as possible. Luis was on the other end trying to stop with Jan. Let me say it wasn't working at all. They were restacking the cans every time. Earlier Adam was wrapping his wrist and I could've sworn he had a heart attack when I walked in. Must've thought I was coach or someone else. I really wish he'd tell Coach, there's no way he can go much longer. I was getting a little tired of scooting down the ice with a hockey stick...

Honestly this practice wasn't that bad, just tedious with some of the things. I rather enjoyed finally having a coach and getting to have actual practices. We started heading back to the locker room with the team. Everyone was packing up, I was about done when I dropped my bag that had my stuff.

"You've got to be kidding me." I muttered to myself. Fulton left the locker room just leaving me and Adam. Someone yelled for us to hurry up, but they can wait a second. I picked up my things and looked to Adam to see him get out his wrap.

"It's just hurt a little." I teased Adam in a stupid tone.

"Y/n I've told you it's fine." Adam said.

𝗮𝗱𝗮𝗺 𝗯𝗮𝗻𝗸𝘀 ➪𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙜𝙞𝙧𝙡 𝙖𝙘𝙧𝙤𝙨𝙨 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙨𝙩𝙧𝙚𝙚𝙩 [𝙗. 1]Where stories live. Discover now