C2 The Brother

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"Davi! Baby can we just talk to uncle Leo today. We can go for a swim out in the backyard after." I said trying to compromise with him. I feel bad because I promised we'd do something fun. But come on skyping Leo was equivalent.

Right now I was in his room dressing him. I had just bathed him.

"But mamá! You promised!" He said whining. And then he started pouting with though beautiful eyes, just like him.

I put the shirt over his head and then his shorts. It was May in Canada, so it was fairly hot.

Then I started drying his soft blonde curls.

"Davi! Don't you want to tell Thiago about your new soccer ball you got?" I said smiling.

"Mummy! It football! I tell you..." He showed me all his fingers, "this many times!"

He's just like him. Even he got mad when I called it soccer and not football. You'd think that Lional Messi's sister would call it football as well. Well that's not the case. Even though we were siblings, I chose to settle in Canada, mamá and papá stayed in Argentina and Leo, Antonella, his fiancé, and their son Thiago settled in Barcelona because of Leo.

I sat down beside him and he crawled into my lap. "Alright, alright, football-ball. Happy?"

He started giggling. "You promise you take me swimming after?" He said.

I kissed his forehead and said, "I promise darling."

"Skype uncle Leo!" He yelled.

I laughed and got up with him. I placed him on the ground. "Alright Davi, mummy is going to her room. You go and get your football-ball and meet me there, ok?" I said to him.

"Okay mummy." He said running out of the room.

"Davi! Don't run! You'll hurt yourself!" I yelled after him.

I walked to my room with was right beside Davi's and pulled out my laptop. I put it on my bed and climbed onto it. After a few minutes Davi waddled in and told me to hold the ball while he climbed on the bed.

He successfully did, even though I offered to help. But Davi being just like him, stubborn, said that he was a big big now.

I handed the ball to him once he settled down. I leaned against the headboard of the bed and so did Davi.

"Ready?" I asked him smiled.

"Yup!" He said excitedly.

I turned on my macbook and opened skype. I video called Leo and after about 3 rings he picked up.

"Abby! Hi!" Leo said excited. "Long time no talk, my beautiful sister!"

I laughed and said, "Well my forgetful brother, we talked just 2 weeks ago."

"That's not enough!" He said pouting.

I laughed.

"Uncle Leo!" Davi yelled from beside.

"Davi! Hey buddy! How are you?" He asked getting excited.

"Hi! I good!" He said.

"Have you bad taking care of your mamá?" He asked him.

"Yes! I a big boy now. Mummy is safe with me." He said. I gave him a kiss and smiled.

"Good job Davi!" He said.

"Where's Anna and Thiago?" I asked.

"They're in the backyard, hold on." He said and then stood up and left

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