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Alright guys. You know I don't do A/N. Mostly because I don't know how and I find it kinda awkward...

But I feel like I needed to express my feelings somehow. And to me you guys share the same interest as me. Football.

Now I'm sure many of you have heard about the disgusting game that was played by Columbia against Brazil.

(Absolutely no offence goes down to any Columbia reader).

But let me get this straight. From what I saw, you can kick a player, step on him, call him out, trip him, almost paralyze him and ruin his career, be called a diver, be called a child, make a nose bleed occur, drunk drive, and bite someone and receive no type of severe foul.

Absolutely disgusts me at what some people call logic.

I'm sure many of you have seen the interview with the ref saying before the match how he researched the two teams and checked the rivalry and based their decisions of of that research. Now I don't know about what they think a ref is but to me it's the person that is neutral and not biased.

I'm sorry but what Neymar received is totally unfair and totally uncalled for.

Sorry about that rant. I needed a breath.

Now it's Venezuela vs Brazil. Go Brazil go!

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