C24 I Love Him

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"And now for desert." Neymar said grinning.

They all walked back into the kitchen and came back carrying 3 trays of cookies.

"They smell good..." Anna said as they served them to us.

"I know they do babe." Leo said smiling.

"And they're not burned." Shakira said.

"I could never let that happen, sweetheart." Gerard said to Shakira.

"They don't look too bad." Marissa said as they finished serving us and regained their dead at the dinner table.

Rafinha and Marissa just started mouthing things to each other and Marissa was giggling. I wonder what he would want from her if the guys won.

I rolled my eyes and looked directly at Neymar who was seated across from me. He had his smirk formed on his face. "It doesn't matter if they smell good or look good. They better taste good." I said. The girls may have fell for their tricks but as they say, there's always more than what meets the eye. I mean for all we know they could taste like crap. They could've added salt instead of sugar. Or too much or too little of something.

"Well why don't you eat it and find out?" Neymar said challenging me.

I glared at him and picked up the cookie. They did smell good and they did look good. But the question was, do they taste as good?

"Mmmm." The girls moaned as they took a bite of the cookie.

"See we told you they were good!" Milan said while him, Thiago and Davi gulped theirs down.

I didn't yet take my bite. I was skeptical. What if they're actually good? Then what? Neymar gets his way with me once again. And like last time I won't have a say in it. But why was there a part of me that was kind of anticipating for what he had planned.

"Take a picture if you really want to savour what a perfect cookie looks like." Neymar said smirking.

I glared at him again. I closed my eyes and took a bite.

Wow. One word to describe how I felt. They taste just like how aunt Nadine used to make. Neymar was right. Back in Brazil I used to love her cookies and one day she taught me how to make them. She told me that it was a family recipe and since I was basically family it made sense.

"Abby?" Anna said patting my shoulder.

She leaned in a bit and so did Shakira and Marissa.

"Okay. Undoubtedly these are actually really good. I think they win." Shakira whispered.

"Yeah, I don't know how but it's the truth." Anna said agreeing.

"Or we can just lie and win." Marissa suggested.

"Oh yeah, says the manager who advises it's best not to lie." I scoffed. "Ok, in my opinion, they were missing a bit of brown sugar, way too many dark chocolate chips, too less of white chocolate chips and-"

"Abby." Shakira, Anna and Marissa said raising an eyebrow.

I groaned. "Fine. But I'm not telling them." I said crossing my hands over my chest and sighing.

We all turned back around and looked at the 4 guys and 3 children who were awaiting our verdict.

"Well?" Gerard said smirking.

Shakira got up and went to Milan. She bent down and whispered something in Milan's ear that made his eyes widen. He grinned and looked at the others.

"We won!!" He shouted.

The guys started fist bumping and high fiving each other, celebrating their victory as if it was a game win.

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