C31 The Morphine

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I woke up with a throbbing abdomen. I looked around. My eyes first landed on my left hand that had a wristband on it. When I looked around I saw medical equipment and heard a constant beeping.

I looked to my right and saw Ney. He was holding my right hand in his and laying his head on the bed I was on.

I was about to move but then a shot of pain went through me. My abdomen was killing me."Ah!" I hissed in pain.

"Huh?" I felt Neymar jolt awake. "Baby, are you okay?" He asked worried while caressing my forehead.

"My stomach hurts. Where are we?" I asked tired while leaning into his touch.

"Well after you fainted I brought you here because you weren't feeling well all day and Rafa told me about your pain while you were getting dressed." He said softly.

"Neymar! You brought me here for that?! It could've been cramps!" I scolded him.

He scowled at me. "Meu Deus! Esta mulher será a morte de mim! Ela não pensa o quão sério é este!"

I scowled at him. "Can you not?" I snapped. "I don't need you yelling at me. It's annoying the shit out of me. Not to mention the fucking pain in here." I pointed to my abdomen.

Neymar looked taken aback by my out burst.

"Oh don't look at me like that. Can you just leave me alone?" I said stressed. I closed my eyes and clutched my hand over my stomach. Man this pains.

"Querida, I-"

"Neymar go." I said.

I heard him groan and then leave.

A few minutes later a nurse came in. "Ms. Messi, how are you feeling?" She asked sweetly.

"Could be better. What's wrong with me?" I asked still being in the sour mood.


"Ms. Messi, hello. I am Dr. Alverto. How are you feeling?" He asked walking in with a smile.

"Pain. In my abdomen." I said weakly. "What's wrong with me?"

"Your results came in. It looks like you'll need an appendectomy."

"I need my appendix removed?"

"Yes." He said. "It was a good thing your boyfriend brought you in when he did. We just have to wait a couple hours before we take you to surgery because you ate and we are supposed to wait a couple hours before we perform a surgery if that's the case." He explained.

I groaned. "This cannot be happening." I mumbled.

"Is there anything you wanted? Besides food of course." The doctor asked.

"Can you get my phone please?" He nodded and gave me my phone and left the room. The nurse was checking my blood pressure and whatnot.

"Abe? You fine?" I heard a low voice peaking into the room.

I saw the nurse looking at him and blushing.

"Back off. He's my fiancé." I snapped glaring at her.

She looked taken aback.

"What? He's mine." I stated.

By now Ney was at the nurse's side slightly pushing her out of the room. Once she was out he looked at me surprised.

"Where's Davi?" I asked.

"At home with Rafa." He said. But then he smirked. "I must say-"

"Stop it. Do not say anything. I feel bad already." I said sadly.

"No." He slowly walked towards me and sat on the chair beside my bed. "It's kind of my fault. I shouldn't have told them to give you that hard of a pain med, because as soon as it's off you'll be hit with pain." He said knowingly. "I know how cranky and irritated you get when you're in pain."

I smiled at him.

"But, I must say. Possessive Abigail is a first. She's very sexy, if you ask me." He grinned.

I pouted. "Neymar!" I whined. "Stop being mean and come cuddle with me. This hurts like a bitch!"

"Meu Deus! I thought we agreed on no swearing! And besides, it's a matter of time before the morphine kicks in."

I scooted over on the bed to make room for him. "You have 0.2 seconds before I kick you out." I warned.

"Coming, amor!" He smiled as he got in. He put his arms around me and I cuddled into him and put on arm over his stomach.

"I'm sorry, querido." I said softly. I looked up at him and cupped his cheek with my hand and caressed his cheek. He leaned into my touch. "I know it's hard for you to deal with an annoying and irritating little Miss Mood Swings, but you have to deal with it. You have to deal with it because you love me. I mean you must if you tolerate me to this point. I yelled at you and sent you away now I'm calling you back for a cuddle. I am 50 shades of woman. But your woman, right?" I smiled and he kissed my hand as an answer. "I mean it's either that or I make sure no more little Neymars are made with anyone but me." I sighed.

He looked at me with amusement.

"Ney, you're beautiful. I mean if I was a dude, I'd totally want to be you." I bursted out laughing. "You're so nice and sweet and caring and...more. Sorry I ran out of adjectives. But you get the point. But the man thing wouldn't work. How would you notice me if I was a man? So never mind, scratch that...I will be Abigail and you be Neymar. The Neymar who loves me like I'm Cinderella." I giggled.

"There's the morphine." He mumbled. "Okay, meu amor. Why don't you sleep now so that your surgery comes faster?" I sighed.



"You have the most prettiest eyes. I mean one look at those hazel greens I forget my name. You have that natural effect with those eyes. Truthfully, if I had to pick my favourite feature on you, it would be your eyes. That's what go me in the first place. When I first saw you, it was your eyes that captivated me." I said dreamily and then giggled.

After a bit of silence I spoke again. "Babe?"


I giggled. "Your hairs really nice too. By nice I mean sexy. I mean you could dye it blond again. That was very sexy."

"Nope. I'm never doing that again! Last time I did it in Santos, you hated it and didn't speak to me for 2 weeks." He whispered.

"No not fully blond! Blond streak or highlights. It would be so hot." I mumbled.

"Maybe I'll do it for the World Cup." He suggested.

After another bit of silence I spoke



"You're really fit too. I mean, your body is so defined. Especially your legs. But even better than that is your abs." I said while sneaking a hand under his shirt and started rubbing circles on his stomach. "I have the hottest fiancé ever."

He chuckled. "Alright, I think it's time for you to sleep now." He gave me a kiss on my head.

After one last bit of silence I spoke.



"I love you." I mumbled into his chest.

"And I love you meu amor." He gave me another kiss on my head.

I suddenly squealed.

"Woah! What now?" He groaned.

"I'm going to be Mrs. da Silva Santos!!"

He chuckled and hugged me.

"Sleep." He whispered.

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