C9 Papai

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To be honest, I was completely surprised at Davi's behaviour towards Neymar. I was expecting him to be shy but obviously he wasn't.

"Magic Man! This mummy." Davi said pointing at me.

"Davi, we-" I started.

"Abby." Neymar said looking at me. He was smiling almost in disbelief that I was here. "I can't believe you're here-" He said taking a step towards me but I put my hand up and stopped him.

"Magic Man!" Davi said again. Neymar smiled and got on his knees so he can see Davi.

"Hi there." He said.

"You Magic Man!" He said giggling.

Neymar laughed as well. There was a time where that laugh made me weak in the knees. Now it's just annoying.

"Abby, is he your son?" Neymar asked hesitantly.

I didn't say anything. I just looked down.

"Can I ask you something?" He said to Davi. Davi nodded. "How old are you?"

My head immediately shot up. My eyes went wide open.

"Davi, baby you don't have to-"

"One." Davi answered.

Neymar's eyes went wide. His eyes were glossy.

"Abby, is he mine?" Neymar asked softly.

Of course he's yours you dumbass. I, unlike you, was and always will be faithful in a relationship.

I closed my eyes and sighed. I guess this was the time.

I walked to Davi and kneeled to his level. I held his hand and gave them a kiss.

"Davi, hijo. You know how you've asked me sometimes where your daddy is?" I asked him.

"Yes mummy. You say he need to buy me gift that is special." He said innocently.

I weakly smiled and said, "I'm sure he has the special gift for you somewhere but right now he's here."

His eyes lit up and he jumped up and down. "Where mama? Where?" He yelled.

"Davi...um...Magic Man...is your daddy." I said softly looking into Davi's eyes.

I looked over at Neymar who had a huge smile on his face. A tear escaped his eye but he managed to quickly wipe it away.

Davi was surprised. He turned to Neymar and jumped on him hugging him bye the neck. Neymar put his hands around Davi, hugging him tightly.

My eyes started to get glossy. My son finally met his father. They were tears of joy. Joy that he finally met his father. They were also tears of fear. Fear of Davi leaving me.

"Filho." Neymar said softly pulling away from the hug with Davi. "Filho, I'm your papai!"

"Papai!" Davi said giggling excitedly.

Neymar gave him a kiss on the cheek and Davi gave one to him. That only made Neymar happier.

I stood up and he stood up as well while carrying Davi.

Neymar looked at me happily. I returned it with an annoyed look. I was actully so annoyed. My son got along with him in just a matter of minutes. So what? I am jealous. Not afraid to admit it.

I put my hands out to take Davi. "Come on baby, we are going?" I said to him with a light smile.

"Going?" Neymar questioned. "You just got here. You can't be serious. I just met my son, who I haven't been with since the last 3 years, and you're talking about leaving. Are you kidding me?"

He was getting pissed off.

"Well who's fault is that?" I said. He was about to answer but I cut him off before he even started. "Look, I don't want to talk to you harshly infront of my son-"

"Our son." He said correcting me.

I glared at him. "You have no right to-" I stopped myself from raising my voice in front of my baby.

"Abby, where are you going?" Leo said jogging over with Anna and Thiago.

"I was...um...leaving?" I said.

"You're not leaving. I need my good luck charm with me today." He said smiling.

"Kiss up." Anna muttered.

Leo shot her a playful glare and I lightly smiled. Anna saw that and gave him a kiss. They were so cute.

"Now," He said grabbing my hand, "let's go."

I hesitantly nodded and looked towards Davi.

"Come here baby, uncle Leo is going to take you to play a bit." I said to him.

"Papai, you come too?" He asked Neymar.

Neymar smiled widely. "Of course I am filho. I'm not going anywhere." He said and then looked me in the eyes. "Ever."

He's not going anywhere...ever... What if he takes Davi away from me. Oh my god I can't take that.

We all walked back towards the pitch. Leo and Neymar put down the 2 boys and get a ball. They start passing the ball around lightly. All you could hear was giggles, light chatter and the sound of the ball being kicked, filling the stadium.

The game didn't start for another 45 minutes and the public wasn't allowed in until half an hour before the game. It was just some of the WAGS, the team and some workers in the stadium.

I was watching how much Davi was enjoying himself. It was wonderful to see him smiling and laughing.

"You okay?" Shakira asked me while putting an arm around me.

"Of course." I said putting up a smile. "I'm fine."

"He didn't stop looking you know." She told me.

I gave her an are you serious face. I was annoyed of people telling me the same shit over and over again.

"He has so much to tell you. Hear him out." She said softly.

"There's nothing left to say." I said to her. "Even if I did believe him and forgive him, it's a little to late."

"Everything's going to be okay." She said reassuring me.

I smiled. Of course it is.

Soon the game started. Barcelona was versing Villarreal.

We got off to a pretty bad start as they scored one on us in the 30th minute.

I could tell that everyone was nervous. Davi was watching very excitedly while sitting in my lap.

"Darling, are you hungry?" I asked him.

"No mummy." He said.

"Do you want water?" I asked.

"No mummy." He said again. My man was too focused on the game to care about necessities.

At around the 40th minute I saw Leo with the ball. He was pretty distant from the net and was in a bad position to score so he passed it to Rafinha who then took the shot and missed.

But then Neymar took the rebound from the goalie and kicked the ball in.

Everyone cheered and so did Davi. I just smiled at my son who was happy.

When I looked up I saw Neymar put his thumb in his mouth and point over at Davi.

The crowd when ballistic over his actions.

"Mummy, what did Papai do?" He asked.

"He just said that he scored for you." I said softly.

"Really?!" He asked excited.

I nodded and he clapped his hands and waved at Neymar who waved back.

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