C7 Settling

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I woke up the next morning with Davi smacking my face, trying to wake me up.

I opened my eyes to see him sitting on the bed giggling.

I smiled when I saw him and sat up while rubbing my eyes.

"Buenos días darling." I said.

"Buenos días." He said back.

"Are you hungry?" I asked him. He nodded and I smiled.

I got off the bed and helped Davi down.

We went downstairs to the kitchen to look for something to eat.

"Mummy, no food." Davi said looking around.

"Oh no." I said.

I guess I have to go grocery shopping.

"How about we get showered and dressed, then go to a café for breakfast?" I asked him.

"Ok!" He said.

I picked him up and went to my room.

Our stuff was still unpacked because as soon as Leo dropped us off last night we went to one of the 3 rooms and fell asleep. That's why Davi was with me this morning.

The house was pretty big. The living room was big, the kitchen was big and even the rooms were big. We had a pool out back as well.

Today I thought that I'd do house things like unpacking and grocery shopping. I decided that after breakfast we would go to the grocery store and get food. Then come home and unpack.

I opened the bag with Davi's clothes and grabbed a blue denim colored shirt and tan shorts.

"Okay, Davi! Let's go get you showered." I said.

After I got Davi showered and changed I set him on my bed and gave him his iPad. He knew his way from there.

I went to my bag and grabbed a navy sheer cropped tank with a light brown maxi skirt. Of course I grabbed my undergarments and then headed to the bathroom to take my shower.

After changing and getting out, I did my make up. I decided that I would just minimize it and be natural. As for my hair, It was wavy so I just left it. But to dress it up a tiny bit I twisted the front parts of my back and pinned it down.

If you guys hadn't realized, I don't really do much to my hair.

Then I put on my brown wedges and helped Davi into his red converse.

"Are you good to go?" I asked him.

"Yes!" He said excitedly.

I laughed and grabbed my purse, keys and phone. I also grabbed another bag for Davi's stuff like diapers, not that he wears any now, they're more like training pants. I also put a change of clothes and water for him. Of course I couldn't forget his blanket and bear. I know that he will nap when we'll be out. And plus, we wouldn't want him to be sleeping durning Leo's game and miss seeing him. Wait on second thought that sounded like a good plan. But I'm not cruel so one way or another, Davi will meet him.


After finishing breakfast at a local café, Davi and I headed to the grocery store to pick up food.

We got everything thing we would need for the next two weeks.

We were now on the way home and Davi was sleeping in his car seat in the back seat.

I arrived at our house at around 1 pm. I parked the car and got out. I went around and opened the door for Davi. But since he was sleeping I picked him up and carried him to the couch. I laid him down and covered d him with his blanket. I put his Brazilian bear beside him and walked back out to the car.

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