C33 Remember.

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Neymar POV

He cleared his throat. "You might want to sit down for this." He said coming up to the three of us.

"Tell me what happened. How is she?" I demanded.

"Just sit-"

"Doctor. Please tell us." Leo said. His voice was breaking.

The doctor sighed. "Turns out the tumour was malignant but it's fine as we were able to get the tumour. All of it. So she is free of the tumour." He said looking down.

"That's good! Why do you look like something bad happened!" Anna said.

"Mrs. Messi, there were complications. When Ms. Messi was in surgery she went into cardiac arrest. We did manage to get her stable but we're not sure..." he cleared his throat, "we aren't sure if she'll wake up. The next 24 hours will be critical. If she does not wake up she may go into coma." He explained.

I stood up and grabbed him by the collar. "What the hell do you mean by she might not wake up. What kind of doctor are you?" I spat.

Leo pulled me off him and sat me down. "Calm down Neymar." He looked at Anna. "Stay with him. I'm going to talk to the doctor." He then looked at me. "It'll be okay. I'll be right back." He patted me on the back and left with the doctor.

Anna came and sat beside me. She put a hand on my shoulder. "It'll be fine. She'll be fine." She whispered.

I looked up at her with watery eyes. "You don't know that Anna. I can't live without her. She's my life." I broke down as tears started coming down.

She gave me a side hug. "We have to be there for her. You have to be there for her. How do you think she'll feel when she wakes up and finds out that you were giving up."

I nodded. She's right. I'm not giving up. She's going to wake up. For me. For Davi. For us.

Few hours later.

It's been a day and she still hasn't woken up. The doctors say that she should be waking up soon but there's no guarantee.

I haven't left her side ever since she has been brought to her room. Leo and Anna have stayed as well. Thiago and Davi have stayed with my parents and Rafa. The guys came to visit yesterday. They were all hoping she would wake up.

She looks pale and limp.

I looked up at her sleeping face. "Hey, linda." I said softly caressing her face. "I know how much you love your sleep but, I think it's time to wake up." I smiled and gave her a kiss on her hand.

"Remember the time I was sleeping and I had to go to practise. I was getting late and you were trying to wake me up. You did almost everything you could to try and wake me up. What you didn't know was that I was awake the whole time. I just loved to see that beautiful face of yours pout every time your idea of waking me up didn't work. So what I'm saying is that if you're playing that game with me, I suggest you wake up. Because I have no more ideas left." I said as a tear fell. "Please, baby. Please wake up." I laid my head on her hand and closed my eyes. "Please, meu amor."

Abigail POV

I felt a weight on my hand. I slowly and painfully opened my eyes. I blinked a few times and saw that I was in a room. I registered that I was in a hospital room after hearing the beeping and seeing I was connected to many wires.

I looked down to my hand and saw my love. Neymar was sleeping on my hand. I smiled and caressed his hair with my free hand. He didn't wake up. Well that's my Neymar. He's in a deep sleep. He probably didn't get any sleep.

I saw 2 figures on the couch. It was Leo and Anna. They were sleeping.

I saw a nurse walk in and her eyes lit up. My finger went to my lips silencing her. "They're asleep. Can you get me some water?" She nodded. "Oh and food. I'm so hungry."

She smiled. "Let me get the doctor."

I nodded and she left the room. "Abby?" I heard. It was Leo.

He got off the couch and walked towards me and caressed my forehead. "You're awake, princesa." He smiled. Tears fell from his eyes.

My eyes got watery seeing him like this. I reached up and wiped his tears. "Right here, Leo. Right here." I consoled him.

He gave me a kiss on my forehead as the doctor walked in. "Okay, what's up?" I whispered.

"So we found a tumour in your abdomen. It turned out to be malignant. We went into surgery and got all of it out. But then you went into cardiac arrest. So you were asleep for almost more than a day. But you're awake and your vitals are stable. I will prescribe some pain meds but other than that you're fine. So I would say you're good to go home tomorrow afternoon." He said.

"Wait so I was brought in on the 21st at night. My surgery was on the 22nd in the morning. And now it's 22nd at night. So I get to got home 23rd afternoon?" I made sure.

"Yes." He cleared.

Leo laughed. "Why are you asking?"

I glared. "I want to make sure I can do last minute preps for Davi's birthday."

"No. You're not doing anything. Everything is done and ready to go. You need to rest up if you want to even come." Leo scolded.

"That's right. You need bed rest. Your incisions are rather large and still 'raw'." He explained.

"Fine. Can I have food now?" I asked. "I'm so hungry." I looked at the doctor. "Oh and can I get off this bed. I'm getting a cramp." I whined.

"So many wants." Leo mumbled.

"Shut it." I glared.

"Yes you may have food. And I'm sure we can get you a wheelchair." He said. "But you can only have 15 minutes. Then you're back on the bed for rest."

"Alright. Thanks." I looked at Leo. "Let's get food. I'm craving berries."


"You love me." I gloated as the nurse brought in the wheelchair.

"Not going to lie but that I do." He smiled and he got ready to help me off the bed.

I slowly pulled my hand away from Neymar, trying so hard not to wake him up.

I successfully did and now Leo and I were off to get food.

We got the food and we're heading back. I heard yelling as we got closer to my room.

"Where's my wife?!" It was Neymar.

"Neymar." I said as I was wheeled into the room.

He looked at me and smiled. He rushed over to me and gave me a hug.

"You're okay, meu amor." He whispered in my ear and then buried his head into my neck.

I let tears escape my eyes and smiled. I caressed his back.

"I'm okay, querido. I'm okay." I gave him a kiss on his head.

"Te amo, my love." I whispered.

"Te amo muito." He whispered.

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