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"Mummy!" I heard a little voice yell.

I knew exactly who it was.

I turned my head and saw my little boy in the hands of the devil, whom he prefers to call papai. My poor baby was so nïeve. They were walking over to me.

I smiled as I told Pierre to hold on a second. I walked to them. Davi had his Brazilian bear in his hands. When he saw me get near, he put his hands out of me.

"Hi darling!" I said giving him a kiss. And then I kissed his forehead.

He gave me a kiss on the cheek. He put his hands around my neck and cuddled his face in my neck. I caressed his back to sooth him.

"Baby, mummy's right here." I told him.

"Te quiero mamá." He whispered.

I smiled. "And I love you." I said.

"Do you want to play in the sand with your dad while mummy finishes work? After that we can do whatever you want. Alright?" I asked him slowly.

He looked at me and nodded. I gave him one more kiss on the forehead and looked at Neymar. He looked totally lost.

I was gesturing for him to take Davi now but he wasn't comprehending. I glared at him and said, "Hello?"

He still wasn't focusing. I groaned and took my free hand and hit his stomach. He snapped out of whatever daze he was in and looked at me innocently yet still smirking. Who am I kidding here? This guy was anything but innocent.

I rolled my eyes and handed him Davi. He went into his arms and started giggling. "Papai like mummy." He said inbetween giggles.

My eyes widened at what my son just said.

Neymar just looked like he accomplished something. I was about to say something to him when I heard voices.

"Oh my god! It's Neymar!" I heard.

I turned around an saw the crew grinning and fangirling. They all walked over to me. They all looked at me with this look that basically screamed introduce us. However I don't want to do that. What do I even say? Hey guys meet the asshole who hurt me! Or hey guys, this is my baby daddy?

I don't care about him but my son can be introduced.

"Guys, this is my son, Davi Lucca da Silva Santos Messi." I said. I kind of mumbled the da Silva Santos part because I didn't want Neymar to know that I actually considered his last name.

The truth was that no matter how deceived I felt when I had Davi, I still wanted him to have his father's last name. I didn't want him to grow up and question me and call me heartless for not doing so. I also felt like it was a respectful thing to do. As much as I disliked and hated Neymar, fact is that he is my son's father. That is something that remains unchangeable.

I looked at Neymar who was smiling from ear-to-ear. I rolled my eyes at him.

The crew awed at the sight of my son.

"So Abigail, the guy that has you all aggressive is Neymar Jr?" Claire said in disbelief.

I rolled my eyes and crossed my hands over my chest. I don't like the way Neymar is looking at me.

I was about to say that we should get back to work when Neymar spoke. Oh no.

"I'm Davi's papai and Abigail's boyfriend." He said smirking.

My mouth fell open. I scoffed and said, "Yah right. You wish." I rolled my eyes. "He is not my boyfriend."

"Doing good Abby." Pierre said smirking.

I glared at him and said, "We are wasting time. I need to spend time with my son, so let's finish this."

They all starting chuckling. "Guys!" I yelled.

They laughed and returned to their positions. I was about to follow them but a certain someone grabbed my wrist.

I couldn't glare at him in front of Davi so I turned my head plastering a blank face.

"What." I spat.

He pulled me so that I was standing beside him while Davi was on his other hip.

I felt his lips touch my ear. That sent shivers down my spine. Ughh.

"Sweetheart, do you know what effect you have on me while wearing that. You're lucky there aren't other men here eyeing you down." He whispered in my ear.

I pulled myself away from him and gave him a disgusted look. I looked at him and whispered, "Pervert." Then I walked away.

After another half an hour-45 minutes, we were done the shoot.

"Alright we can pack up." Pierre yelled.

I smiled knowing that now I get to spend time with my baby boy.

I was about to go change when Davi ran over to me and hugged me by my legs.

I looked down and smiled. I bent down and picked him up.

"Mummy! Let's go in water!" Davi said smiling.

I laughed and said, "How about we go swimming when we get home? We can even go out for dinner after?"

Davi giggled and clapped his hands. "Alright baby." I said.

I didn't notice Neymar was behind him the whole time until Davi said, "Papai swim too!"


I didn't even bother putting up a fight on this because I knew that either way he was going to come. Whether it was at Davi's request or his conquest; me.

"I need to change. I'll be right back." I said to Davi. I then handed him to Neymar and went into the tent to get changed.

I changed back into my tank and skirt. I fixed my hair so that it was in a high pony tail now. I also said bye to the crew, especially the girls. I got their numbers too because we were going to see each other often now so why not befriend them. I grabbed my handbag and sunglasses. I put them on and walked out.

I saw Davi on Neymar's shoulders. He was giggling as Neymar was pretending to be a plane.

"Papai! Faster!" He yelled.

I smiled. It was so nice seeing Davi this way. He was so happy.

I walked to them and said, "Alright, we can leave."

I came in my own car so I was driving myself. Now, the question was who was Davi going with.

"Hijo, are you coming with me or your dad?" I asked him. I was hoping he'd want to come with me.

"I'm going where teddy is going." He said innocently referring to his Brazilian bear.

"And where is teddy going?" I asked.

"Since papai is like teddy, teddy want to go with papai. I go with teddy who go with papai." He said.

I sighed and then smiled. "Okay baby, I'll see you at home." I said.

I then gave him a kiss and walked to my car.

I got in and started it. Then I started driving home.

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