C3 Fine

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"Hi cutie. Did you have a nice nap?" I asked him as I sat beside him on the bed and stoked my hand through his soft blond hair.

He hummed and cuddled into my lap.

"Do you want to go swimming?" I asked after a bit.

"Yes mummy! We go now?" He asked me.

"Yes baby." I said smiling.

He clapped his hands. I laughed as I went to his closet and grabbed a pair of shorts. They were Disney's Cars themed because Davi loves Disney.

I changed him and then carried him to my room. I sat him on my bed.

"Davi wait here, mummy's going to go change ok?" I told him while turning on the TV and putting on his favourite TV show.

He nodded.

I went to my closet and pulled out a mint green wrap bikini and a white coverup. Then I walked to the bathroom. My long wavy brown hair was out and I decided to put it up in a pony tail.

After changing I came out and grabbed my sunblock and put it on Davi first then on me.

I then grabbed my sunglasses and my phone and picked Davi up off of the bed and put him down.

"Davi, come take a picture with mummy." I said to him. I crouched beside him and he kissed my cheek. I captured the picture at that moment and uploaded it on Instagram. I captioned it as 'Mummy and her boy spending time at the pool! ❤☀️'

He grabbed my hand and pulled me downstairs.

We went out to the backyard and I let Davi go in while I sat on the edge. I decided to use this time to call Marissa.

I pulled out my phone and dialled her number.

"Hello?" She said.

"Hey Mari." I said.

"Abbyl! Have you decided?" She asked me.

I took a breath out and said, "Tell them I accept."

"Yes! I'll do it right away." She said happily.

"Alright. By the way, when do I leave?" I asked.

"I can tell you that in just 5 minutes. Hold on!" She said and then hung up.

I hung up and averted my gaze to Davi.

"Davi! Don't go too deep!" I yelled.

He giggled and continued jumping up and down and trying to swim around. He was amazing. I loved this boy so much. He looked so happy here. I do have to tell him that we will be going to Barcelona for a while. I wonder how he'll take it. I wonder if he will be happy or sad or not even care. I wonder what he'll feel when he meets him.

If he meets him.

Not that I was planning on them meeting. That was at the very bottom of my list of things to do but at the very top of things to avoid doing.

What he did was undoubtedly unforgivable. I hate him for do this to me. He is such a jerk. All I have left for him now is hate. 'A' class hate.

"Mamà!" I heard my baby call.

I looked over and saw him start splashing water in my direction.

"No! Davi no!" I squealed.

He giggled and continued.

I decided to take my cover up off as I was going to get wet anyways.

I decided to get into the pool. I went after Davi. He squealed and tried to run in water which made me laugh. I swam and picked him up in the water. I hugged him and he put his arms around my neck.

I gave him a kiss.

"Ew! Mamà!" He squealed. "I a man!" He said.

"I am a man." I corrected.

"Yes." He smiled.

My boy was adorable. He was just adorable.

After a while, I got out of the water. I wrapped myself up in a towel and dried off. I then put my coverup back on and sat on the deck chair watching over Davi.

My phone rang and it was Mari. I picked it up.

"Hello?" I said.

"Tomorrow." She said.

"What?" I questioned.

"You leave tomorrow morning." She said.

"What?! Are you crazy? That's so quick. I still haven't packed, or told Davi." I said.

"I'm sorry Abby. But they want you there for their summer bikini line shoot, which is in 2 days. If you go early, then we can get you settled. They have also provided you with a temporary house there. They know you have Davi so they wanted to give you space." She said.

I groaned. Davi giggled and said, "Mamá monster!" I laughed as well.

"Alright, what time is the flight?" I asked her.

"Tomorrow morning at 8 am." She said. "I'll be at the airport waiting with your tickets. Just make sure you have your passports."

"Okay." I sighed.

"Abby, it'll be fine. You and Davi, will be fine." She assured.

"Marissa, what am I going to do when they meet. It's not my plan for them to meet but what if they do. What happens then?"

"You act like a mature adult and not let your feelings get in the way of your child having a father in his life." She retorted. "I know I always tell you this but I do it because I care about you guys. Do you think not telling him was the right thing to do?"

I sighed.

"Abby, you should really talk to him. Hear him out. Hear what he has to say to you." She explained.

Marissa did not share the same hate I had for him. She has talked to him before. So has Leo and Anna. They all know about it.

They all give me the same advice. Hear him out. They may have been fooled by his excuses but not me. I've been played once and that is not happening again. And definitely not by the same person.

"I don't want to. I'm perfectly fine with how things are." I said weakly.

She sighed. "Let's drop this. I'll see you at the airport tomorrow."

"Ok. See you then." I said hanging up.

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