C27 I Love You

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His lips were on mine as he kissed me a sweet and passionate kiss. After comprehending what was happening, I started to kiss him back.

He encircled his arms around my waist as I brought mine to feel the muscles in his arms. They tensed under my touch but relaxed as I started to caress them. Then slowly I brought my arms up to circle around his neck. I raked my hands through his hair, tugging on the ends, just the way he likes it.

His hold on my waist tightened as he brought be up against him leaving no room between us.

With one last kiss we pulled back panting heavily. He rested his forehead on mine. I could feel him gazing down at me as my gaze was set on his chest.

I slowly moved my head up to meet with his gaze. His gaze filled with such desire and passion.

"I love you." There I said it.

"What?" He said smiling like an idiot.

"I love you Neymar. I don't think I ever stopped." I took a breath.


"No, don't say anything. Let me get this out." I said. "When I left you, I was hurt. I came home wanting to tell you I was pregnant with your child; expecting you to be so happy which I know you would've been. But when I saw you with her, I was more so shocked than hurt at first. I was shocked at the fact that you could've done such a thing. I didn't want that influence on our baby. So I just left."

"My pregnancy wasn't the easiest. I was sick all the time. I didn't want to do anything. At one point I think I even fainted because I was very weak. Marissa was the only person I had in Canada because Leo and Anna were in Barcelona. They told me to come out there with them but I chose not to. But despite all that, Davi Lucca, is the best thing that's ever happened to me. I love him so much. And so to provide for Davi and I, Marissa, who was a manager for a model agency, suggested I take up modelling. I did and that's what led me here."

"I came here knowing that I had to tell you about Davi. That's why at the game, when I saw you, I told you. He as your son should deserve to know. When I saw you, all those unwanted feelings came back. I was happy to see you do what you love. To see how far you've come. But at the same time, I was very angry at you. I mean if what happened hadn't had happened we would be together. But once you told me what happened, I was angry at myself for doubting you. I said I would never forget what you've done to me because I promised myself that I would never let you affect me again. But you did. I saw that I clearly never fell out of love with you."

"I was just angry." I finished.

I looked up at Neymar and saw him smiling. His smile made me smile. He pulled me in for a hug.

"I love you too Abigail. So much, it hurts. You're like a drug that I could never get tired of. Being addicted to you would probably be amazing. I love you so much." He whispered.

"And I you." I mumbled into his chest. He smelled really good.

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