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I just wanted to let you guts know that I not abandoning the story. I know it's been a long while. My 2020 didn't start until Jan 2021. I had a very normal 2020 .My job was not effected and minus a long weekend I didn't miss any hours. I was always a home body and with two kids we never had extra money anyway. Jan 2021 our family had our first COVID death, my Uncle. We are a close family and just a day Pryor think he was going to come home from the hospital, it was quite a shock.

Less than a month later, my job was gone. Corporate America doesn't really give a shit. Remember that! Put you and your happiness first!!

Then April 29th. My only sibling had a stroke. Only 3 years older than me. Not even 40 years old. May 5 we made the gut watching decision to give others life through his organs. The nurse and Dr kept saying how brave and courageous we were. It's was a selfish decision for me. It was the only way I knew to make sense of what happened. The only way I wouldn't go insane.

So now I'm trying to find my way again.  I have started at my laptop screen for hours. I know what happens, but the words are a jumbled mess. I'm still staring every day. Don't give up hope. Your comments and like notifications are joyful. Thank you for that.

Be looking out, hopefully soon it will come. Thank you so much.


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