*Baptized By Fire*

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    I was losing her really quick and I was doing everything I knew to do.  She did respond to some of it, but most of it scared her. I was used to girls fawning over me, eating out of my hand over this shit. But she pushed back hard. Not like hard to get, like unsure, scared.  She seemed like most other girls but..

    “Hey I’m sorry. I dial it back a thousand. I didn’t mean.” She nodded and smiled at me.

    “It’s ok, we are simulating a relationship. You apparently just got out of a long one. I’ll try to remember that more often.” She motioned for me to park around the back of the building where we had separated from her friends.  She got out as soon as I stopped the car. I got a message. It was from Dutch.

Melanie had seen me go into ‘our’ corner with Lily and saw me with my face in her neck. Just as I had expected. Melanie had been up my ass since the first post to The St.Claire’s instagram. Slews of text and snaps, ranging  from death threats to nudes. Now according to Dutch she was stuffing her face with pizza rage eating.  

It had hurt so bad, now it felt so good. I took a pic of Lily walking ahead of me and posted it our account  my favorite view. Melanie used to bend over and tell me it was my favorite view. I didn’t actually care for it after a while.  I caught up to Lily and showed her.  Her eyes when wide and she started laughing.

“Your hilarious. I never thought about that, we totally have to do the cliche couple posts. Your a genius.  She twisted around to me and squeezed my biceps. She walked ahead of me to a table that held four other girls, all looking at me like I was an optical illusion. “Guys this is Giles,  Giles this is Deann, Beth, Alison and Victoria.”  She sat down in the large round booth.  “Giles just thought up this great idea.  Since we are doing this instagram account thing, we should the “insta” poses.  Let’s make a list.

I sat beside her  and she handed me a menu, it was fifties burger joint  in historic downtown. I hadn’t been here in years.  After a few minutes  I decided what I wanted and  sat down the menu.   The girl beside her was talking into the phone that was attached to the middle of the table.  She looked at me  before taking  the phone. “Trust me,you want me to do this, what do you want?”

“Bacon cheeseburger, curly fries, Dr. Pepper.” She nodded then took the phone. There was a moment of silence from Lily before she took a breath.

“Could you at least get our order in before we get into that? He wants a bacon cheeseburger, curly fries and a dr. pepper. I want a mushroom swiss burger with steak fries and a Dr. Pepper. Now Go” I could hear noises for the other end but no words. It was a long moment.  “His name is Giles but you already knew that, he is eighteen years old, he is on the football team, he makes good grades, his parents are still together, he has an adorable baby sister, and no we have not kissed because we are not together.”

She said it all in one breath and so hard that I thought she might pass out from the force. But she grew a long slow breath then spoke again. “He is very kind and we will be most likely be friends for life after this. Isn’t that worth it?”  The line at the other end went dead.  They must have known what we were going to order because by the time the receiver hit the base, our food was out.  

She was looking at her burger like some girls had looked at my cock. A sudden urge to have her enjoy me like that slammed into my brain. THE FUCK? I took a bite of my burger and understood. The table was silent aside for random noise of yum.  Everyone wrapped up and we all waited at the counter to pay.  I had intended to pay for Lily and myself, but she was already reaching for her wallet.

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