*In Sickness and Health*

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    Giles was waiting when I went out to go to school. He had his car parked behind mine. I didn’t really know what to say to him, so I just got in his car and shut the door. He turned the engine over and we started on our way. He didn’t start a conversation, so we were silent till we got the school parking lot. I didn’t really feel like doing anything honestly, but the thought of staying at home was less appealing then school.

“We can skip if you want.”

“It’s the third day of school, it’s a little early to be skipping, even if we are seniors.”I got out of the car feeling like a mess but Giles pulled me close to him. He was warm and I did feel better when he held me. Somewhere in the back of my mind a small voice reminded me that this isn't real. But most of me was too torn down to care. I needed it.

“I’ll be with you most of the day.” He meant it to be a comfort and it was. We walked into school with less attention, but still much more than I was fond off. I pretty much stay locked into my hazy brain and his side until Life class. We had to make  wedding plans and speak about them to the class.  He put us in the far corner. “What kind of wedding do you want?”

“I want a simple ceremony, a bomb ass reception with all kinds of crazy stuff and a long honeymoon in an exotic location. My mom said she can’t remember a thing from her wedding because she was so nervous but after was were all the memories of  their beginning of their life.  This plan was set many years ago.

“Ok, I kinda agree. I think it should be just us, it’s  our marriage, I don’t want to get married at a courthouse or anything. Somewhere outdoors in the woods, maybe. Just us and person marrying us.  Then start the honeymoon right away, and it should be long. Then have a huge reception when we get back.”  Hmmmm, that was impressive. He had thought about this.

“Ok Compromise?” He nodded ready to hear me.  “We can get married in the forest just us. But have a nice dinner with our parents before leaving for the honeymoon. My mom would hunt me down and end me if she wasn’t part of my wedding day somehow.”  

“Sounds great actually.”  We answered the questions on our daily worksheet and he handed it in to Ms. Plunkett. She spoke to him for a moment and he came back to our corner. “After everyone turns in their sheets we are going to go up and talk about how we  got our plans together.” I nodded. It would be easy.

“Ok.” We sat silent for about fifteen minutes. I had my head rested on his arm and he was playing with my hair.  I had spent most of the day just trying not to think, but now I had to focus. I imagined the actual wedding. Us standing in the woods at sunset, an archway made of branches.  Soft lights and ivy wrapped around it and I married Giles.

“Alright class I’m going to have Lily and Giles come up and speak.”  We stood at the front of the class and he smiled at me. “They didn’t really have to much trouble but they did compromise. Tell us.”  Giles spoke first.

“I wanted to spend most of the time and money on the honeymoon, and have a quick ceremony in the woods, just us. It doesn't make sense to me to spend all this money one wedding ceremony or some unaffordable reception when we could get an amazing experience out of it instead.” He motioned for me to go and put his hand on the small of my back.

“I wanted something similar. I wanted a simple ceremony, a big reception and a long honeymoon. We both gave our reasons for the choice. I guess I still wanted to be a little bit traditional but ultimately his point that this was really just for us made more sense.”

“She brought up having a nice dinner with our parents before leaving for the honeymoon. Which I admit, having your parents involved on the day is important. So we decided to have a private ceremony, dinner with parents then have along honeymoon somewhere far away with a beach.”

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