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I looked over our homework for life class. We were moving on to settling into our life. We had all been married, honeymooned, and now it was time to settle into life. We had a budget sheet with blank spaces. We were supposed to list out the total budget and then make out expenses fit within.  I was waiting on Giles to arrive with lunch so we could start. I do some of the more basic calculations to save time.

He strutted in like he owned the place, tight jeans and tee. His long hair was silky, flowing down his back. My body now automatically reacted to  the sigh of him. I cleared my throat to get myself under control. He brought sub sandwiches at my request. He leaned across me, my face is his chest and I couldn’t stop myself from nipping at him. He filled his fingers with my hair and pulled my head back. 

“You are a fiery temptress” He looked down at me, his dark lashes thick and curled. 

“Oh yes, so tempting with tired eyes and baggy pajamas, how can you keep your hands to yourself!” My sarcasm was my defensive mechanism. It was still hard for me to accept any kind of praise from him or anyone for that matter. It made me feel like a mess of stereo wires inside.  He wagged a brow at me before taking my mouth and assaulting me with his tongue. He moved to my neck, sucking painfully and pleasantly hard before I caught my breath. “Hey, homework bruh” 

I felt his teeth on my skin and it sent a pleasure wave through my nervous system that almost made me go limp. But he sat back on his heels and pouted at me. Too bad for him I worked in a daycare. I have seen all the sweet little eyes and boo boo lips. . It does not work on me. Sorry bout ya. 

“I want my sammwich. Fat girls got prioritizes.”  He glared at me for the fat girl comment but gave me my chicken bacon ranch. It smelled so good.  I handed him the sheet I was working on and he looked it over. 

“What if I write down what I think the numbers should be, then you write down what you think the numbers should be then we hash it out?” I nodded. He had his sandwich in one hand and a pencil in the other and he concentrated on the page. I wanted to look at the page but I didn’t.  He wrote on the outer side of the line and over it up so I couldn’t see it. I huffed but looked at the sheet. 

I filled it out to what I thought was appropriate while eating half my sandwich. I had done the bills with my mom before. She made me do it when I was old enough to understand. She said I needed to understand just in case. I didn’t really get that, but looking at the numbers on the page it made more sense now.  If you only have two thousand dollars for a month, you're not going to spend a thousand a month on rent.

Giles pulled away his sheet of paper and I was surprised. It was not the same at all. He put way more in the frivolous areas. We looked at the sheet.  I looked at him and wondered what the hell he was thinking ? Mrs. Morris gave us the budget of the majority of families in the country. This was to prepare us “the real world”. Giles was still working with his parent's money. 

“We have a thousand dollars a pay checks and we are spending two fifty on eating out? That should be going to groceries and we should be cooking at home. We can go out twice a month.”  He scrunched his nose at me. “What entertainment are we spending a hundred and fifty dollars on?” I sighed. “Netflix and chill bruh.” He rolled his eyes at me. 

“This is just an assignment” I cut my eyes at him. I had always taken his work seriously. This was out of the ordinary for him. It made me angry at him. This wasn’t something to be blown off. This of all things should be serious. I put my sandwich down and arched a brow at him. His faced changed quickly  and he pulled me down to him before I could get up. “I see you getting upset.” 

He cradled the back of my head and pulled me down to his face. I pulled back. I didn’t want to kiss him. I wanted to get away from him. He tightened his grip on my waist and held me to him. He snaked his legs inside of mine, holding my legs down with his calves. 

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