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    The first game of the season was exhilarating. I actually feel kinda bad. The school we played had most of its first string out with an early flu strain. But they still played with all heart and you can appreciate that. I was so ready for the season.  I loved playing football. I hoped I could play in college before I went off to an actual career. Now that Lily gave me some validation that it wasn’t stupid to dream about being a proffesor. 

    “We have arrived!” Steph squealed from the front of Dutch’s Jeep. Lil had been slapping my hands away the entire ride. She was a dirty tease. Lacy thigh highs peaked out from under her Jack Skellington dress. I had a hard time concentrating during the game because of that dress. It was tight under her breast with two silver buttons down her ribs. It had two strapes that went up the center of her melons. The skirt flared out and it ended mid-thigh. She got for me, and only changed into once we were on our way to the lake house. 

    She was willing to move outside her comfort zone to please me. She stopped wearing pullover hoodies and removed it when we were in class. She wore dresses now, and short ones. Though the short ones were just normal in private. She didn’t even think about it either. She just took her time and we worked through it. She’d tricked me too. First with my hair. I could even braid it myself now.  I spend more time with my mom and Evelyn. 

    “Hey wait” I pulled on her wrist as she started to get out.  I waived Dutch on and she shut her door. “Lift up your skirt.”  I licked my lips. 

    “What?” She looked at me like I had two heads. 

    “You put that on and then I can’t touch you? I want you to lift up your skirt.” She smiled sheepishly and lifted her shirt up, a little. I could just see purple panties covering her mound when she giggled and tore out the door. She laughed, running from me all the way to the door where Steph and Dutch were. We went inside and the living room was lit up.  Another group was coming through the door as we entered. 

    “Hey guys!” Steph's mom was already buzzing. “ coming in, the food is coming, there are already apps out, music is on at the dock, drinks everywhere. Have fun.” Steph reached back and took Lily from me. 

    “Mom this is Lily, my new friend.  Lily this is my mom.” Then she proceeded to point out the rest of the family in the dining room. “ The DA’s for the night are my Dad and my Aunt Kassie” 

    “What’s a DA?” I forgot that she had never been here before. 


    “ Designated Adult. You are safe here, you can party, can you crash here. It’s a safe place. Designated Adult this the adult of her gender that is sober. If you get hurt, feel bad, something happens. You go to them. Anything . “ Lily nodded.  The usual crowd was starting to fill in. I was starving and the smell of deliciousness was wafting my way. 

    “Lil, lets get some food.” We went to the kitchen where the apps were set out on plates. She handed one and then got one herself. I pinched at her hip and she followed me out the door to the dock. There were several others dancing but we sat down on the bench. She straddled the bench and sat her plate down.  Walker came up to Lily. 

    “Hey Lil, did you see me out there bustin heads?” She laughed. I didn’t like that.”

    “Yes, but it would be more impressive if you weren’t taking that sting bean sophomore. Though I will say he did seem to be stronger than he looked.” She put a piece of food in her mouth and I watched him study her lips. I clenched my fists. 

    “He was ! didn’t you see him knock me on my ass the first couple of times?” He looked embarrassed.” She shook her head and furrowed her brow. That’s right she didn’t see you, she had her eyes on me. 

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