It's FINALLY done!

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I just want to say thank you so so so so so much to those of you who have stuck it out for THREE long years. I know there aren't many of you, but I know there are a few. When I first posted this story, I never imagined it would take so long to finish. I learned so much about myself and writing in the process. 

I really hope you guys have enjoy Lily and Giles. It started out as something and honestly I had no idea where it was going, life just took it. Some of it's based on real life experience. I did have a class in high school where were had to 'get married, have a family and make a budget' but it was all on paper and just in that class.  We were assigned our spouses as well, but it was only for one assignment while we planned the wedding for budget purposes. 

I did have a major crush on the captain of the football team, but we never dated, in fact I never dated anyone from my high school.  My brother also did pass, which caused a long pause in the writing. He never held a gun to my head, but he was an addict and he did all the things that addicts do to support their addiction. It's also true that he got clean and sober, unfortunately, his relapse causes a stroke that lead to his death.  Addiction is a cruel disease. 

All in all i'd say not to shabby for a first draft! My adhd brain makes it quite difficult to just get it on the page and that is the first rule. Just get it on the page! I'm so grateful for those of you who stuck around and the new ones who just found me. Every time I get a notification that someone liked or commented, it renews my vigor to write. You guys are the awesomest! 

Love with all my black little heart, 


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