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    Giles and Johnny were shirtless and circling each other, fists raised. Judging for their faces,this had been going on for at least ten minutes. There wasn’t blood yet, but there were swollen eyes and cheeks. Both of their bodies swayed from the alcohol. Great. I pushed through people to get to the opening. 

    “What the hell is happening here? You both look like overgrown toddlers.” It took them a minute to realize I was talking, they both dropped the stance and started walking towards me. I backed away. “Stop. What is happening?”

    “Ask your boyfriend. He just sucker punched me. One minute I was talking and having a good time. Next I got a fist up the side of my head.” I looked at Giles. That was very out of character for him. I’d never seen him raise a hand to anyone. 

    “Giles did you hit Johnny?” He nodded. “Why?”  He tried to take my arms in his hands but I pulled away. “Why did you hit Johnny?” He looked at me and worked his jaw. He was quiet for a second then he took a deep breath. 

    “Everything is perfect” He tried to touch me again, I turned my face away. “But him. He is always getting in the way.” Giles turned away from me, the anger filling him again.  I grabbed his arm to stop him. 

    “No. Johnny never got in the way of anything. He is my friend and friends help each other through shit. You made it a thing. I told you from the begining how much I wanted you. If I wanted Johnny I’d be with him. But where have a I been? Huh? Who am I with all the time. Who do I talk to? Who do I eat with? Who’s chest ddo I cry into?” He face settled into realization.  “I love you Giles, but you caused some damage tonight I’m not sure you can fix.” 

    My stomach turned and I barely made it to the bushes before those tacos decided to exit. I felt a hand on my back as I heaved and heaved, even after nothing was left to expel. It felt like my eyeballs were going to explode out of my skull. I tried to stand up but I was dizzy. I was guided down to  tothe grass and sat with elbows on my knees. Fantastic. 

    “Here” I took the cup and swished some water around my mouth before spitting it out. Giles was sitting beside me, still rubbing my back. As much as I wanted his touch, I didn’t. I tried to stand up, but my legs were wobbly.  “Let me help you.” 

    “Like you helped me earlier?” I cut my eyes at him and tried again. This time I got to my feet. “You really fucked me up today, Giles. I don’t even know…” I wanted to cry again. But I’d be damned if I was going to do it at this party. I walked around the side of the house and to the car. I could ask for someone to take me back, but who was even sober? Steph came out of the house with a blanket. 

“Giles, you need to go talk to Dutch. He is in the living room.” She was hard to him. “Come on Lil, I got a room upstairs set up for you.” I let her wrap me up and lead me to the room. It was actually quite warm. There was a soft glow from a lamp and t.v. was in the corner.  “Just lay down and rest. I got everything. Do you want me to send up Beth or Deanna?” I shook my head. I wasn’t ready to say anything to anyone else. “Ok, I’ll check on you.”

I turned the t.v. on for noise and laid down. Son of a bitch. I was so stupid. I had tried so hard to avoid this exact situation. I was just like my mother. No not exactly. I wasn't just going to run off and get married because I was pregnant. I was so tired, my body was exhausted and my mind was so torn it just wanted to shut down.  I turned to my side and closed my eyes. 

Dreams of soft curls and coos, baby laughs and tiny feet filled my brain. Then screaming, crying and arms and legs flailing. No matter what I did nothing soothed the baby and I broke down and cried with a tiny bundle in my arms. I jerked awake and an arm was over my side. A warm hand was splayed out over my lower belly. When I leaned up, the fingers tightened around me. My side was sore.  Giles was asleep behind me. His face was busted all the hell. 

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