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    Giles was so warm and he smelled so good. But I had to get up and get to Johnny’s. I slipped out of bed and dressed quickly. I knew that Mom was awake already. She got up at five thirty to do her yoga and have some quiet time. I was ordering coffee on my way down the stairs and stepped around into the living room. “Mom you want some coffee, I can have it delivered?” 

    I looked up when I was met with silence. The person who had the t.v on this early in the morning was not Gile’s mother. It was his father.  His father who looked like he had not gone to bed. There were bottles all over the place and the air was stale. Oh. I ordered everything for delivery and grabbed the trash can. 

    “Good Morning Mr St Clair.” I slowly started picking up the bottles and placing them gently into the can. I didn’t want to make too much noise. “I just ordered a bunch of coffee and some breakfast. It will be here in fifteen minutes. I’m just going to put away these bottles so Evie doesn’t get hurt, and I’ll bring back water.” He just blinked at me.  I hurried with the rest of the bottles. 

    By the time I found the air freshener and got the room straighten the door bell broke the peaceful silence. Mr. St Clair’s eyes flew open, then slammed shut. I ran to the door, got the food and coffee. I gave him black coffee, a dry bagel and a pill. I tried to get as much done before Giles or his mother came down. It was his mother , of course.  She took one look at him and her face fell. 

    "Gregory!” He snapped his head at her voice. “What are you doing? Go to sleep. Take a shower. Maybe drink that coffee. “ She looked over at me. “I’m so sorry Lily.” 

    “It’s fine, I wasn’t about to let Giles see this, even if he’s seen it before. Evie shouldn’t either, no matter how little. Mom I got you your coffee and sandwich on the counter. I gotta go. Love you.”  I gave her an extra tight hug and left. I was at a stop light when I realized that maybe this was all meant to be. In a really weird, twisted way. If I hadn’t been through what I had already, I might have reacted differently to that. 

    I might have been different with Giles to begin with. We might be horrible together, this being a miserable time. I was at Johnny’s house and I didn’t remember getting there. That was scary and I didn’t want to think about it. Johnny came out of the house to meet me at the car. His smile was very charming. He opened the door for me. I leaned over and grabed the bags but those were taken as well. 

    “Good Morning, Lil”  He leaned in quickly to kiss my cheek. “Seams like we both had the same  idea.” I was puzzled but we went inside. He took me in the kitchen where he had fresh chocolate chip muffins. “I figured you would be hungry.” I pulled out this usual breakfast sandwich with a chocolate pastry

    “I wanted you to have your belly full for work.” He smiled at me. “I got your coffee too. Take some muffins and make sure you get full. Your a grownin boy.” He shot a look at me. I giggled. “What?” 

    “I’m a man, women.” I raised my eye brows at him. 

    “Is your name Jesus?” He looked puzzled. “ Because He is the only man that can call me women, go on.” He raised his hands in defea,took his breakfast  and put it in his lunch pale. There was a package of ramen noddles, a bag of chips and pudding. “Is that your lunch?” He nodded, not really paying attention. He was already eating a few muffins. I could tell he was ticking off items on his mental list. 

“Come with me to tell mom bye.” I walked down the hall with him. The room was dark and he flicked on the bathroom right so we could see. She was facing away from us. He sat at her head and rubbed her arm. His voice was soft when he whispered. He was sorry to wake her, but he had to go to work. She was getting upset but he waived me over. 

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