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    "Hey dude, what's up with you and Beaumont?" Tyler threw his nasty ass shirt at me. I threw it back. "You a chubby chaser now?"

    "You better watch your mouth, shit for brains. She is my partner in Mrs. Morris class. Ya know the easy class the rest of us get to take while your stuck in juniors english." Everybody cracked up but Tyler. He was an asshole. He deserved it.  "Anybody else got something to say?" Everyone looked away.

    Today was weigh ins and Coach checking out the new kids. We usually hit the weight room after.  My best friend Dutch went before me. Got a pat on the back from Coach. I was next up.  I stood on the digital scale and it ready out two fifteen. Coach wrote it down and patted my shoulder.  We headed to the weight room.  I took my shirt off and pull my shorts down. I took a picture in the mirror and sent it to Lily.

    "Are you sending pics to Melanie?" Dutch was already curling.

    "No. I sent it to Lily." He cocked his head at me.

    "Is this a thing" I stood beside him with my own weights and matched his pace.

    "Not really. I mean she is pretty and she's nice. But this is about getting back at Melanie." We watched our form in the mirror for a moment before he continued our conversation.

    "Why not just mess around with one of her friends?"

    "She doesn't really have friends. Besides I mentioned one time in sophomore year that Lily looked nice in passing and Melanie has never forgotten it. I wasn't supposed to notice anyone but her. Crazy bitch."

    "Oh but she could ride any dick she wanted." Dutch was shaking his head.

    "I don't remember making that deal."  We continued the routine we had been  perfecting since freshman year and  about fifteen minutes went by before my phone dinged. I picked it up. A message for my new wife. 'Mrs. Darcy though the picture was adorable.  She wants to know if you consider trying out for the musical is year'   there was a picture of her with Mrs. Darcy . Dutch was looking over my shoulder and started laughing

    "She's savage man"  I was going to see her after school now.  I cut my work out short so I could shower, get dressed and to head her off at the doors of the Choir room.  The bell rang and the doors open and she came out near the end with a group of  friends.  A few of the girls looked at me with a knowing smile.

    "Wife, come to me."  She gaped at me for a minute then walked toward me. "I'll take you home." She raised an eyebrow.

    "I drove myself here."

    "So lock up your car, I'll bring you in the morning too."  She leaned a way a little bit.

    "You obviously don't know what I drive. Follow me." We walked to the back of the second parking lot, which was far, a lot of people didn't come back here.  Just a few cars where back here. I parked back here and the teacher with nicer cars. A plum nineteen sixty nine dodge charger sat in the last slot. Lilly kept walking past all the cars until it was clear this was her car.  The closer we got it was pearlized and she looked completely in love.  "My eighteenth birthday present from guitfilled grandparent."

    "Can I drive it?" She looked at me like  I had a third eye.

    "Have you ever been in any accidents?"


    "Got any speeding tickets?"

    "Two." She looked at me hard  but dug around in her backpack and handed me a key chain. I expected them to have a fluffy pink ball and stupid 'cute' charms and dangly things. But she had a black rose and a  picture of Beetlejuice and fours keys.  They all had different designs except the key for the charger that read Dodge.

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