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Lily passed out after the shot and shake, so I didn't really have anything else to do other than finish school. I could at least get our work and bring it to her,hopefully she was feeling better. I had only missed the first two periods and were half way through the third. I had just turned the dr's note I got at Lily's dr in at the office when the devil herself came up the stairs as I was going down. Fuck. Of course she had on a tiny shirt and her boobs popping out.

"Hey baby, finally ditch Bertha and come to your senses?" Anything my body might have been headed toward was suddenly slammed into reverse at the disgusting words she spewed. She stepped towards me but I ducked and she fell up the stairs.

"Why are you like this? You're the one that caused this. This is your fault. You had everything and you through it all away. Stop being a bitch."

"What! What do I have to do? It was just the one time, I swear?" She latched on to my arm. I shook her off.

"STOP." She took a step back. "I know you're lying. I knew all along I was just too much of a pussy to admit it my damn self." I shook my head. It was true.

"What are you doing with her? You can't really want to be with her. You're doing this to get back at me aren't you ?" A second of panic hit before I put a cool face on.

"I don't care about you anymore Melanie. We are partners, and we get along. You were always too jealous to realize that it's possible for me to be friends with other girls. Beside it's none of your fucking business where I stick my cock now."

"HEY. Get to class." Coach was in the stairwell giving us both the 'look'. I gave my slip to my third period teacher and sat down. I just focused on my work until lunch. I debated on leaving campus or going to the lunch room. Dutch made the decision for me.

"Hey, let's go to Dooney's for lunch. You wanna ride with us?" He had his arm around Steph. She was in Melanie's circle, though I wouldn't say they were really friends. There was a group, but they weren't close. But that didn't mean that Steph didn't report back to Melanie. It was a weird network. I nodded and followed.

We traveled the few minutes to the restaurant and sat down. The group filled out five booths and Melaine was in the one farthest away from me. We ordered and got our drinks, Alex another lineman came in and sat down beside me.

"Hey where's the soon to be Mrs? I haven't seen you without her since monday." Steph cut her eyes at me. Alex didn't seem to mean anything by it at all. "I thought I might get to see why she picked your sorry ass and not the clear choice?"

"The clear loser maybe." After the laughter died and Steph leaned over the table at me.

"Why did you agree to her?" She wasn't catty about it, but more curious. I don't know what she was getting at though. Why did she care? We didn't really talk about relationship stuff. We talked about random stupid stuff when we were all hanging out.

"We really didn't pick each other. Mrs. Morris picked us like she did everyone else. Did anyone else say no? Why are we any different?" She sat back and our food came. My phone dinged and thinking it might be Lily, pulled my phone out. I was met with an under the table photo from Melanie. Wow she was really a piece of work. I decided to check on Lily. I sent her a quick text. I was surprised that she texted back quickly

hubs your adorbs, i'm not in pain anymore, just really sleepy. you're the bees knees cool cat

I chuckled at her response, before realizing the time and scarfing my burger and fries before we headed back to school. This was the class I had Melanie in so it could be interesting. I had as many people as possible between us. I felt my phone vibrate over and over again in my pocket. I knew it wasn't Lily, she was too dopey to stay awake. I knew who it was because she kept looking over at me. I could see her out of the corner of my eye.

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