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I loved working out. The burning in my muscles, pushing me a little further each time. Finding  my limits and setting goals to push them farther and farther away. It wasn’t because I looked good, it was because I needed to know how far I could go, how much I could take. It is just as mental as it is physical, it can be painful.  Can I take it, can I move through it. But there is the added bonus of being able to eat pretty much whatever I want. Lily seems to be pretty turned on by my torso and forearms. 

When we are just relaxing watching tv, she caresses my skin over my veins. Not too long after she starts squeezing her thighs together. I like to sit her on my hips and she traces my abs with her finger tips. She kisses each defined mucsle when we pleasure each other and it feels more intimate with her than sex with anyone else. 

“Hey Man you got a situation going on.” Dutch was beside me as we were bench pressing and he pulled me out of my thoughts.  I looked down and I had a semi. “You thinking about Lily?” He laughed at me. 

“Yeah.” I sat up and adjusted myself. 

“You seem different. You really like her?” He sat up and looked neutral at me. 

“She cares about me and likes to take care of me. She gives a shit about what I think and want. I care about her, and want to take care of her too. She is great with Evelyn. My mom likes her. My dad thinks she’s pretty but fat. Not that I give a shit about his opinion.” Dutch grunted in his chest. 

“But he was cool with you staying with the chick that slept with his brother?” I nodded. Yeah it was kinda weird. 

“Yeah I guess a lot can be overlooked when you look a certain way and come for a “good family” We both got a drink and headed out the field for laps. It was after school now and we were getting ready for our first game next week. We were still waiting for everyone to get to the field from the weight room. The Cheerleaders were at the middle of the field practicing. 

Dutch started walking over to Steph as they were getting drinks. Lily was at the bottom of the bleachers doing homework while waiting for me.  However I was stopped in my tracks by a backflipping betty. Melanie popped her spankies and got in my face. 

“Feels just like old time does it. Cheerleader, football star. We were” I moved her aside. She squealed like a pig. Lily didn’t look up until Melaine was dramatic about it. She smiled and I leaned down and gave her a kiss. Full of tongue and a little messy. She pulled back. I half expected her to wipe away my saliva but she licked her lips. My dick twitched.

    “ That was a lotta tongue for school.” She giggled. 

    “Sometimes you gotta get a point across.” Melanie was fuming behind us. Lily rolled her eyes. She gave me a small kiss, with no tongue. But she nuzzled into my neck and bit into my skin and sucked hard enough to make me yelp. I laughed. 

    “Maybe we should just fuck while she watches.” I was shocked. Lily said it a little too loud for just me to hear. Melaine chucked her pom pom right at us but Lily caught it and smiled at her. “Go Wildcat!”  She chunked it back. “Go run your laps so we can go. I’m starting to get a headache.” I kissed her temple and joined the rest of the team. Coach gave us thirty laps then we could leave. 

    I watched Lily as I ran by her. She finished up her homework then she put in her earbuds and had to have been watching something on her phone. She was laughing a lot. Her face was so beautiful. Her smile just made it that much more attractive. It took about half an hour to do my laps and my legs were burning and pulsing when I collapsed on the grass of the field. 

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