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    I was in the drive thru at Mickey D’s after a Dr’s appointment. I had been peeing like every twenty minutes and I was sure I had a UTI. Also I was craving salty french fries for  weeks. Giles was even just bringing them to me when we weren’t together and he was out. He really was the most amazing person. It was around eleven am and I was going to go to school after I picked up lunch. I was surprised that there weren’t more cars in the drive thru.  I ordered and pulled up to pay when I heard something familiar. 

    A voice I knew I should not be hearing. She was supposed to be in another town, no where near Giles. But sure enough when I looked in the rear view mirror, she was ordering chicken nugs and fries. I pulled up to get my food, but made sure she saw me. She looked terrified. She should have. If she came back here, she was within fifty miles of Giles, she was going to get arrested. I was torn because I didn’t want to upset him. He was doing really well. He said he didn’t remember anything but I wondered if he was telling me the truth. 

    I got my food and pulled off into a parking spot.  I got out of the car and stared at her. She watched me the entire time. If she drove off, I was going to call the police.  She was breaking the law right now, and she better have a damn good explanation. She got her order and pulled in beside me. She didn’t have the guts to get out though, she rolled down her window.  I’d never really seen her without her full get up on. But she looked just as pretty with the minimal make up she was wearing. Heifer. 

    “Listen I know what you're thinking, but I had to go see my dr to get a referral. We tried to find another way and we couldn't. I just got done and now I’m leaving. You can even follow me out of town.” She wasn’t sassy or spunky. She was quiet and reserved. Good. Maybe she finally felt the damage she had caused. Caught the meaning of her actions. She had gotten away with so much shit for so long that I was insane. 

    “If I see you again, I will call the police.” I got back in my car and went to school with lunch for Giles who I found out of the big oak tree. He leaned up against it reading from the book we were currently studying for English. “Hi Handsome”  He smiled up at me. 

    “I thought you would never get here. School sucks without you.”  I laughed as he pulled me down into his lap. “What did you get me? A big juicy burger?” I nodded and he reached into the paper bag and started pulling out food. We were silent for a few moments while we ate, when I laid across his torso as he stretched out. I couldn’t stop the yawn from coming. “You wanna ditch and take a nap? I do. It’s friday, we got a birthday party to go to tonight.” 

    “It’s a Halloween party, that you hi-jacked into a birthday party. Thanks by the way. Not like that makes me feel super awkward or anything.” He chuckled. Since we were solidly a thing now, and I was accepted, there was attention I wasn’t used to. I didn’t want a huge party where everyone was seeking me out to wish me a happy birthday. I just wanted my friends and Giles.  They were throwing this thing at Steph’s parents lake house. Just like last time. Adults would be there, but apparently not really paying attention. I did like the place though. Going down to the water, the outside was beautiful. 

    “Yeah, but you’ll love it. Let’s go before anyone sees us leave.” He chased me through the back of the buildings and kissed in his car for a while until actually leaving. I was tired and a nap sounded good. I shucked my jeans and bra and crawled under my covers. We were at my house because his mom was home and my parents weren’t. He pulled the blinds and curtains closed and slid in beside me. 

    “I love that your so warm all the time.” He produced heat like a furnace. I think it’s all the muscle that he’s got going on. But It wasn’t long before I was out and he was waking me up with little kisses around my jaw and hairline. 

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