*Where Is Your Mind*

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We walked into school with heavy attention. Not what I wanted when I didn't have a hoodie on. We had homeroom together so we walked all through the building and down the stairs. At the door Giles pulled me back a few steps and held up his phone, camera ready. I gave him a smile and went back into the classroom.    

    Beth and Anna were already there and they were looking at me with eyes the size of saucers. I knew Giles was behind me because I could feel him tugging at the ends of my hair. I took my usual seat beside them, and as expected I was pulled away a few inches so I was right next to him. I motioned for them to move closer and they did.

    "Beth and Anna, this is Giles." I felt a finger poke between my ribs. "Uh..my hubs. Hubs, Beth and Anna." He smiled at them and he talked for a moment while I tried not to feel all the eyes in the room on us.  They  both stare at him, wordless.

    "You two are embarrassing me. He is just a boy. Talk to him." Beth took a deep breath and looked between us for a minute.

    "HI Giles."

    "Hey. Aren't you partnered with Serge in Life class?"  She blushed, oh Lord.

    "Yeah, he doesn't really talk much, I don't think he likes me." She looked down at her feet. Giles leaned over me, his chin on my shoulder. I tilted my head away from him.

    "No it's not that, he just doesn't  talk much. I think I may have heard him say all of ten words in three years. Don't take it personal. He shows his intentions in other ways."  Mr. Rea came in, late as usual and without looking at any of us rattled off roll.

    "Alright heathens, go to first period." I gathered up my things and head to English, with that ever present tug on the ends of my hair. I tried to ignore it and but he was keeping me close to him that way.

    "My hair is not a leash, Giles. I don't mind if you play with it, but not while walking." He stopped us and pulled me over to the wall, out of the flow of bodies. He faced me and sank his hands deep into my hair and gather it in his fist and gently pulled my head back. I didn't know what to think.

    "Do you like that?" I did like it and that wasn't good. So I put both my hands on his chest and pushed. He stumbled back and took some of my hair with him.

    "Don't do that. We are not a real couple." I turned around and rejoined the stream of moving bodies. Not long he was beside me again, up the stairs around the corner to the door for English.  He stepped in front of me to block my entry.

    "I didn't mean to upset you. I just want to have fun with you." He kicked at the carpet.

    "That's not the kind of fun we are meant to have Giles." I brushed past him and went into English class. He came in a few minutes later and handed the teacher a piece of paper. She nodded  for him to take a seat. Of course  he walked up to the kid beside me and gave him the boot.  "Giles!"  He leaned up a seat to the kid and apologize.  "You weren't in here yesterday."

    "I am now."  He was up to something for sure.

    "What are you getting at St.Claire. You are way to into this for it to be just an assignment."  The teacher cleared her throat and began telling us how we were going to be going over four of Shakpear's works this year, blah blah blah. I knew all of them already. Easy A.

    "My parents want you to come over for dinner on Saturday."

    "Why?"  I was looking over the first piece of work we were going to be studying.

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