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Giles was a champ through my wretched three day arc as a goblin. Never complained when I dropped gnarly stink bombs, literally ate a piece of pizza out of his hand, or kicked him off the bed. Now that hormones are back to pre event horizon levels, I feel like he deserves a treat. The first football game of the season is tomorrow and after the game we are supposed to go eat with his friends. 

I have no idea what to do for a surprise for him though.  He has everything he wants. He doesn’t talk about wanting anything and he doesn’t collect.  The clanking of football helmets draws my attention to the field. Time for laps. Giles said it’s supposed to build stamina and endurance. I think it’s just mean to make them run laps after a full practice. Some of the freshmen sound like they are dying after a few laps. Poor kids. I packed up our shit and trucked it up to the car. 

Giles was about half way done and he lapped his tongue at me when he ran by. I giggled like an airhead. Damn. Most of the cheerleaders were already up the hill but I noticed Steph was sitting in the bleachers. I cautiously approached. She smiled when she noticed. She waved me over when I was still a little hesitant. 

    “Hey, are you excited for after the game?”  I sat a little ways down from her but was happy to talk with her. She had been with Dutch for over a year and they seemed to be a good couple. Giles and Dutch had been friends since they were kids. It would be good for Giles if i tried to get along with his circle. 

    “Yeah, Giles said we were going together  to eat?” She lit up. 

    “Yes! My uncle is opening a fusion experience in the city and he is coming to our lake house to try some new recipes. I invited some people to give opinions. You and Giles are a given.” I was taken back. I figured Giles was a given, but me?

    “Please don’t feel obligated to invite me. I don’t have to go everywhere Giles goes. It’s not like that. He can go without me. I understand, we don’t really know each other.” I didn't’ anticipate side effects for his friends. I just figured they kind be like...hey leave the wife at home.  Steph’s face went from confusion to understanding. 

    “I don’t,  I figured it could be a good time to get to know you. Our boyfriends are best friends, we will most like be spending a lot of time together.”  That did spark an idea. 

    “Speaking of, do you have any ideas about what I could get or do for Giles as a suprise or treat?”  She giggled then hushed herself. 

    “Um I’m not for sure. Melanie didn’t really talk about him alot.” She caught herself and watched me for a reaction. 

    “It’s fine, I’m not going to flip out at the mention of her. They were together for a long time. It’s going to be hard to completely avoid it.  I’m good with it. “ She sighed but took a breath. 

    “I can ask Dutch, OH we could get sneaky info for each other!” She tapped her toes on the bleachers. “Here, put in your number. I’ll text you.” I typed in my number and she sent a text right away.  I started to relax. “He smiles so big when he looks at me.” Giles was walking toward us, Dutch just a few steps behind. They both had a big goofy grin 

    “His brother has a matching one” She  squealed. 

    “He is so wonderful.”  I stood up as Giles came to me, his hand already out to touch me. They slide around my hips and down my butt, pulling me into his body. He was so much taller than me that I couldn’t really get my fingers fully laced together around his neck. I felt his longer fingers grab ahold of my fleshy cheeks and kneed. As the days went on, he was getting more and more affectionate. He kissed me and pulled me up a little to get closer to him. I could feel him growing on my belly. 

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