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    I could feel Giles tense when Johnny pulled me into him. His tears were warm on my face and neck. I moved us from the house onto the patio with a bench.This was going to be the best place for us all to be. Away from Giles, where Johnny could be emotional with me. He just tightened his grip on my sides  as we walked. When we arrived we just stood there, still and silent. 

    "She's getting worse, Lil." I held him tighter. I tried to make him feel taken care of, like someone had him. He needed to let go of everything and cry it out. I squeezed him, to say, I got you. 

    "I'm so sorry Johnny." I stroked his hair until he's body stopped shaking from the crying. "You wanna sit down and talk about it?"  He nodded, his chin hitting my shoulder as he did. I sat down and he pulled my feet up into his lap. My feet were bare and his fingers started to dig into all the spots that were tight and sore. 

    "I don't think she is going to make it back this time. She responded so well the first time. She isn't responding at all now. They are wanting to try experimental drugs, talking about trying to get her as a patient into a trial in Canada. If that happens, I don't know what I'll do. How can I take care of all of it?"  

    Giles came out of the house just then. Tears that were in Johnny's voice seems to quiet away. He offered to bring us drinks and we stayed quite until he returned.  I wish the tension between the two of them wasn't so hostile. Giles went back inside and he gulped down his beer. I wiggled my toes against Johnny's firm stomach. 

    "You don't have to do this alone. There are people who will help you. Obviously you have me. But there are others Johnny. It's not weak or whatever you're thinking up there to ask for help. Most people really enjoy it. It's fulfilling for both parties involved." It was all so much for him to handle. Eighteen, mom dying of cancer, dead father. No family to go to, baby sister to care for. I'm so proud he is so strong.  A notification came on his phone and I saw the time. 

    It has been a few hours since Giles had "checked" on us. I'd like to think he was just giving us space, but I know better. There didn't seem to be any signs of the party slowing down, and it was getting late. 

    "Hey why do you head on in and have some fun ok. I gotta check on things. Make sure the house isn't being robbed."  We walked in together and I had to ask where the guys were. They were indeed playing xbox, but Giles wasn't there. Dutch was thought. Hmm. I stepped over my legs and torso to get to Dutch.  "Dutch have you seen Giles?" He looked at me kinda strangely. 

    "No, we left a while ago saying he needed to piss. I just figured that was code for banging it out with you." He was obviously not sober. "You haven't seen him this whole time?" I shook my head. He got up. 

    "I'm going to go upstairs, will you look downstairs." Dutch went into the kitchen and I took the stairs. The couples were obviously more carless at this hour, I could clearly hear activities and even recognised some voice. GROSS. Giles' door was standing half way open when I reached it. It was dark inside. I hope he didn't pee anywhere other than the bathroom. That is an easy clean up.  I pushed the door open and turned on the light. 

    There Giles was. Laid out on his bed, arms out, legs spread, no pants. Still had a shirt on though. O.K.  I walked over to him and that was when I noticed his pants balled up at the corner of the bed. HMM. I finally stood right beside him and that when I saw it. Bright red lipstick all around the base of his dick. Lips prints all over his pelvis. His dick was not.....clean.

  I started to step back. I had to fight the panic that was already driving right into my chest. My mind  was already racing with so many thoughts, that my breath was starting to catch. My stomach clenched and my fingers tingled. I wanted to look away, but I couldn't. Then Giles moved his head and a large wet spot on the bed was revealed. He was drooling. He doesn't drool. That's odd. 

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