Chapter 1

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Niall's POV

I rolled out of bed and looked around my room that has superheroes everywhere. I have had a Spider-Man blanket set on my bed. I bet everyone wishes their room was as cool as mine.

I got up and took off my Batman pajamas and underwear, then ran to the bathroom all naky. I turned on the water to the shower and stepped back for it to get warm. I really don't like cold water. It makes me not feel fuzzy in my tummy. Carefully, I reached my hand out to feel the water and smiled widely when it was warm enough for me to get in.

The lady that works here tells me I need to shower every morning and I have to get ready for breakfast all by myself. Sometimes I go too slow and don't get to eat breakfast, but I don't mind because after breakfast is when I can go to the football field and watch the footballers play.

They're the best ever! They can kick the ball and run really fast at the same time. Sometimes they accidentally kick the ball at me, but I know they don't mean it because they laugh and smile after. I know that means they're happy, when my daddy would sometimes kick me he wouldn't be laughing and smiling so I knew he was he was sad. Anyway, I really like the football team, they remind me of all the superheroes because they're so good and strong.

I got out of the shower, feeling proud I didn't get soap in my eyes, and took a towel to dry off. I don't like having to dry off because it's really hard to do, but I have to do it or else I'll get water everywhere. That made mummy mad when I did it at home , so I try really hard not to do it here. I don't want to make the lady that helps me sometimes get mad and do what my mummy would do. I didn't like it when she would do that, it made my cheeks hurt.

I walked out of the bathroom and went to get some batman underwear from my dresser that I put a bunch of stickers on. I liked them there because stickers are really fun to make things pretty. My favorite sticker on it is my Cinderella sticker. I really like the Disney Princesses too because they get a prince charming to save them, just like superheroes do. They get happy because of it, so it makes me happy too. There was a tap on the door, making me jump a little and stop running my running my fingers over all my stickers.

I knew the knock on the door ment I needed to hurry up so I could get breakfast. I put on a t-shirt, after I made sure it was on the way with the tag in the back, then put on some jeans. I didn't like jeans, I didn't like clothes really. If I could go naky all day I would, there's nothing wrong with it.

I walked out of my room, making sure to close the door behind me because sometimes I forget, and started to walk down to the cafeteria where everyone eats. I'm not really hungry, so when I got there and only one boy is left in the room I knew I missed breakfast. I just turned to go to the football field to watch their practice better. It's more fun than eating anyway.

The boy that was in here walked towards the door that I was standing in and I smiled at him. He smiled back, his brown eyes crinkled at the side. I looked at him and I knew exactly who he was. He was the really good footballer that would play really good. But, he doesn't laugh at me like the other players do. It makes me wonder if he's happy, because you laugh when you're happy, but seeing him smile at me while walking through the door makes me know he's happy.

I turned and watched as he walked off, ignoring the funny feelings of hunger in my stomach and smiled to myself. I don't even know his name, but he's just the best ever. Kind of like Superman.

Zayn's POV

I walked past that kid that I always see watching us practice and smiled at him. How could I not smile when he's just looking at me like he just saw Jesus or something?

Everyone at this boarding school knows he's not really there with us, he has special needs I guess is how it would be properly put. He's been here for only a year while the rest of us have been here for two. It's really incredible how he never talks to anyone, yet smiles at everything. It's almost like those sweet blue eyes of his don't see the horrible reality of this world. I sometimes see him getting pushed around, teased, laughed at, even insulted but he smiles like he doesn't understand what's actually going on. It makes me want so badly to know what goes on his his mind. It also makes me want to stop the horrible treatment to him.

I made my way to the empty locker room, changing into my football kit as fast as I could. The lady serving breakfast was short on her staff for clean up today, so I washed the dishes as fast and best as I could to help her but it ended up making me late for our morning practice. It was Saturday so was have morning practice unlike during the week where we have to go to our classes. I don't think coach will mind stayed and helped, but I still changed as fast as I could then ran out to the pitch.

"Malik! You're twenty minutes late, one lap around the pitch then you're doing shooting practice on Styles along with Tomlinson!" Coach yelled at me as I stepped out onto the field. I didn't argue with him, I just listened. I ran quickly around the pitch, looking to the bleachers where I knew that kid would be. Sure enough, there he was, holding some type of toy in his hands while his big eyes were looking at the drills being ran by my team. I have to admit, he's actually kind of cute.

I finished my lap and went to where my two best mates were in the keeper box. Louis Tomlinson was our best defender on the team. He was short and quick, making it easy to steal the ball and push the play back to the other side. Harry Styles was our keeper. His long arms and tall stature filled the box making it impossible for anything to get past him.

"Zayn, why were you late?" Louis asked me while setting up a ball to kick it at Harry.

"I was helping with something. Now, try to make a good shot you idiot." I told him playfully. He rolled his eyes then kicked at Harry, but the ball didn't even stand a chance of going in. I set up my ball and looked at the box, finding only one area completely open. It was the top left corner. I faked the direction of the kick, then slammed the ball into the small corner.

"Nice one, Malik!" Coach yelled across the field, but instead of looking back at him, I looked towards the bleachers to see a huge smile on the blonde boys face. That was enough to make me keep trying my hardest to do well so he would smile like that more. After shooting on Harry and making every single one in, it was finally a water break.

"Zayn, I hate you." Harry told me while picking up his water bottle. I laughed at him and gulped down my own water.

"You don't ha-" I was cut short by a small yelp and a group of guys laughing loudly. Harry and I both looked over at the rest of the team as saw what was so funny. It actually wasn't funny at all, only if you have a sick mind it was funny.

One of the boys must have kicked a ball at the blonde kid, making him fall from where he was sitting to the ground. Another ball was kicked at him, and hit him right in the face making his nose trickle a little blood. He just looked at the boys and gave a bearly noticeable smile.

"Don't look at us retard!" One of the guys on the team yelled. The boy flinched at the words and looked down at the dirt he was sitting in, running his fingers through the dirt. I couldn't watch this any more and was about to tell my idiot teammates to stop, but coach called us back.

I ran as fast as I could to the boy on the ground and crouched down next to him. He looked up at me with blood coming from his nose. I got the bottom of his shirt and wiped it off, then ran my hand through his slightly wet hair.

"You alright?" I asked, while looking over my shoulder to make sure no one was watching me then back at the boy. He smiled at me and nodded. I watched as his little hands picked up a Superman action figure, then he pointed to me. I smiled at him, knowing exactly what he ment by just pointing. I ran my hand through his hair making the cutest giggle come from his mouth, then stood up to go back to my team.

For the test of practice, whether I was subconsciously doing or not, I tried my hardest to impress the blue eyed boy just wanting to make him smile at me so I  could see that innocent sparkle in his eyes.

A/N: first chapter!I think I'll be sticking more to Zayn's POV but I'll try to get both in evenly? Are you guys liking this so far? Comment / Vote!
                             - Bri;)

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