Chapter 15: The Shy Seon From High School's Gone

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Edited 08/12/16

Yixing's P.O.V

"Ring shopping." I said to Seon as I smile at her.

"Why?" She asked me.

My brows crease when she said that. Aren't girls suppose to be happy when their husband-to-be wants to go ring shopping with them?

"Why are you asking me why? Aren't we getting married? We can't get married without rings." I said, my brows still creasing.

She looked flustered and opens her mouth to say something but hesitates at first. But eventually she manages to say something to me.

"We..we don't need to go to that extreme. I-I mean we can..we can just-" I cut her off before she could continue.

"Why are you saying that, Seon? We're having a church marriage. Of course we need rings." I said to her.

"Yeah, b-but we can just sign the marriage contract in the court. That way we don't need any rings and..and we can hide our marriage from everyone." She said, looking anywhere but me.

I scoffed at her, "Court? What are you saying, Seon? Who wants to get married at court? Definitely not me. And hide our marriage? Please, Seon everyone else already knew we were getting married before you were informed of it. There's no point in hiding it." I suddenly became angry at her.

I wait for her response but she didn't respond to what I said to her. Was I too harsh on her?

"Come on, we should get going." I said as I intertwined my fingers with hers and walked to the door.

Seon let go of my hand and said, "Why are you doing all this?"

"What do you mean? Seon, are we really going to fight just because of rings?" I asked her in disbelief.

"Why are you suddenly so serious about the wedding?" She asked me.

Why am I so serious about the wedding?

"I'm not. It's just that..we're from well-known families and..and you know..." I said.

Okay, honestly I don't know what to respond to her question.

"No, Yixing I certainly don't know. Even if we are from "well-known" families as you just said, we don't have to go to that extreme. This marriage is just a set up isn't it? Then let's not do that." She said, not forgetting to quote the "well-known" with her fingers.

She's so stubborn. Where did the shy Seon from high school go? I miss that Seon.

I chuckled and looked at her eyes, "The shy Seon from high school's gone huh? It's the first time you talked to me with a long sentence like that." I said.

"It's not because our families are well-known or anything but, I want our marriage to be like that...and you asked earlier why I was serious about this wedding, right? Well, it's because of you." I can see her cheeks are in crimson red after I said that.

"W-what do y-you mean it's because of me?" She asked, still bright red. Cute.

I smiled and said, "Because, I know how every girl dreams of their wedding day to be a spectacular day, so I want our wedding to be as spectacular as you girls dream of. You deserve the best, Seon and I'll give you the best." I said and ruffled her hair.

"Now can we go? We're already running late." I said, even though we have all the time for ring shopping

She nodded and trail behind me.


When we arrived, I told her to look for a ring that she likes. She nodded and starts searching for one.

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