Chapter 18: Stop Making Me Love You More

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Edited 09/12/16

Seon's P.O.V

"Hello? Father?" I said to the person who's calling me right now.

"Seon, how have you been?" He said.

"I'm doing fine. Why did you call?" I asked him. "Is everything alright, father?" I asked again.

"Yes, everything's perfectly fine. I heard you went to buy your wedding rings last week." he said, trying to make conversation with me.

"Yes, that's true. I went with Yixing. Where's mother? I miss her so much." I said.

"Good. Oh, your mother? She's right beside me reading who knows what. Do you want to talk to her?" My father said.

Of course I wanted to talk to her! She's my mother, I missed her so much!

"Yes, please." I said, feeling excited.

"Hello? Seon?" That voice. I miss this voice.

"Mother! I missed you so much!" I said, screaming my heart out.

I heard her giggle at the other line. "I missed you too, sweetheart. I got good news and bad news for you. Which one do you want to hear first, honey?" She said.

"Uhm, bad news first then the good news." I said. I feel a bit worried as to what will the bad news be.

"You're just like your father. Always wants to know the bad news first and bla bla bla..." she said and chuckled.

I chuckled with her, "'Bla bla bla' huh? When did you learn to use that?" I said.

"I learned it before you were born, honey." she said. I hear my father saying "what are you two on about?" at the other line.

"Anyways, honey the bad news is Yixing's parents want to meet up with the three of us." my mother said.

What? Yixing's parents? I thought we weren't going to do the meeting with families and stuff.

"Honey? You're suddenly quiet." my mother said, worried was in her voice.

"D-do we need to mother?" I asked her. Great I'm stuttering.

"You're nervous aren't you, honey?" I nodded my head as if she would see me.

She continued, "Don't worry about it, honey. Everything's going to be fine. I assure you that. No need to be nervous."

"O-okay, mother. What's the good news?" I asked her.

"The good news is...we're going back to Korea!" She screamed, making my ears almost burst.

But nevertheless, I'm happy they would come back here again. I miss both of them so bad!

"Really?! I can't wait, mother! When?" I asked almost shouting at my phone.

"Well, in two days we're going to be there in Korea and the next day after that we're going to meet up with Yixing and his parents so we could discuss about the wedding." she said in excitement.

"I miss you guys so much! I'm glad that you guys are coming back here, mother." I said and giggled.

"Me too, honey. Well, I have to go now Seon. I'll see you in two days! Au revoir, honey! I love you!" She said.

"Au revoir, mother! Love you too!" I said and chuckled. My mother is so energetic. I don't know how my father could keep up with her energetic attitude.

I'm really happy they're coming back home but the thought of meeting with Yixing's parents is scaring me.

I never had any boyfriends before so I never really met any of their parents before. I'm not saying that Yixing's my boyfriend but...I mean, I shouldn't be scared right? Since I've already met Yixing's parents a lot of times before.

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