Chapter 33-I'm Starving

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Seon's P.O.V

I should probably make a run for it but my feet don't want to do that. Instead, they stayed there as if they were glued to the ground.

"Seon..." I heard him say my name again.

Again, I still can't believe he is actually here.

In Prague.

Right in front of me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, my back still facing him.

"I'm here b-because I wanted to meet you." He stuttered.

"Why? You should probably be going. You have a lot of work to do back home." I said trying to calm my voice.

"I'm not going back" he trailed off, "until I take you with me."

I closed my eyes shut.

I admit I'm kind of fluttering inside right now. Gahh set aside your feelings Seon.

"Why do you want to take me with you?" I sighed then continue, "don't you understand? I came here to get away from home."

"I knew I was the reason why you went here two months ago. And I'm sorry for that." He said.

"Did somebody told you to come take me home? Because I ain't going." I said as I clenched my fist.

"Nobody told me to bring you back, Seon. I want you back." He said.

"Go home Yixing." I said as I walked away.

I won't lie, it's hard for me to walk away just like that but I just feel like I need to get away from him.

Just as I was walking, I felt hands on my waist slipped from behind me. I know who it is because I can still remember his scent. His touch still makes my feet go jelly.

"Don't go, Seon. Please don't leave me again." He said as his head was now on my shoulder.

"The day you walked away from my office, was the day I regretted the most. I should have stopped you from going but I didn't. I'm the stupidest man in the world for doing that." He said again.

"The girl that I said about in the office was just a lie. I did that because I was jealous of Baekhyun. I was jealous and I was angry. I was so stupid. I am stupid."

His statement made my eyes wide. I can't believe he did that but then again I was at fault there.

"Please forgive me, Seon. Please don't hate me." He said as he sniffed.

Is Yixing crying?

"I never hated you Yix-"

Before I got to finish what I was going to say he cut me off.

"I love you, Seon."

This stunned me. I am in shock. He just said he loves me. I still didn't turn around because what he just said was just too good to be true.

"Say something, Seon. Anything at all. Just please say something."

" this true. Y-you love me?"

"I love you. I realised that after I found out that you were no longer living in Korea. I wondered why I felt so lost there, I drank a lot and then suddenly you came in my mind. I couldn't get you out of my mind." He said.

"Please Seon, can't you give me another chance? I promise I'll be good. I'll treat you well. I'll be like Baekhyun if you want me to be." He said.

I smiled at this. He can be such a child sometimes that it makes me want to kiss all his pains goodbye.

I turned myself to face him and there he is standing in front of me.

His face was still the same except he had a little grown beard. It isn't visible but I can see it because I'm so close to him.

He has eye bags under his eyes and by that I knew he didn't have enough sleep.

His hair isn't like his usual work hair where he would comb it to the side. His hair was messy. Nevertheless, he still looked good in my eyes.

I feel guilty that I might have been the reason as to his appearance right now.

With all my walls came down as I built up my courage, I said, "Yixing, I..I love you too." I looked at the ground immediately because I was so embarrassed.

I said 'I love you' to Yixing again and now I'm finally sure that I won't get heartbroken by the rejection again.

He smiled at me and said, "What did you say?" As if he didn't hear me the first time I said it.

"I said, I LOVE YOU TOO, you idiot." I said to him.

He hugged me as tight as he can and I almost couldn't breath. His hands are just so strong.

"And I don't want you to be like Baekhyun. I just want the Yixing that I fell in love with. The guy that still made my heart flutter even after I swore to my soul I wouldn't let myself fall for you again." I said.

"Thank you." He said in a whispered voice.

"I can't really breath, Yixing." I said but I was hoping for him to just continue on holding me like this for a few more minutes.

"Oh, right. Sorry." He said and he let go. I feel naked not getting hugged by him. His warmth just disappeared and I knew the disappointment in my face was visible for everyone to see.

He chuckled and said, "Now, can you show me where you got that pretzel that you were just eating a few minutes ago? I'm starving, I feel like I could eat you."

"Yuck. Don't eat me I'm not tasty." I said and I heard him murmur something but it was so low that I guess only he can hear it.

"What did you say?" I asked.

But he simply said, "Nothing." He chuckled while scratching the back of his neck.

I shrugged at his behaviour and pulled him towards the direction of the cafe I was in and said, "Now come on. I'll show you where I got that pretzel you wanted."



Here it is. The 33rd chapter for MWP!

And I'm here to announce that the next chapter will be the EPILOGUE. Time flies by so quickly, huh?

Well, every story has its ending right? So I hope everyone enjoyed reading this story and continuing on enjoying it until the last chapter is going to be published ☺

@foolish_alphaxx signing out

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