Chapter 26-Action speaks louder than words

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Please read the author's note at the end of this chapter please. REALLY IMPORTANT!


Seon's P.O.V

I woke up the next day to a smell of freshly cooked bacon and eggs. Man I was so hungry I could eat a horse!

The memories of last night suddenly came rushing into my mind. I could feel. Y face turning into a pout and my happy feelings has now been replaced by guilt.

I went downstairs and go straight to the kitchen. I found Baekhyun searching the fridge for something. And it was milk.

"Good morning sunshine." He said as soon as he saw me.

I felt my face flushed. "Morning to you too." I said.

"Did you slept well last night?" Baekhyun asked. I nodded in response.

"So..err when are you going to tell Yixing?" he blurted while handing the plate that was filled with bacon and eggs to me.

When was I going to tell Yixing?

The answer is I don't know. I don't even know if I should tell Yixing about what I had done because I know that as soon as he finds out about this he'll flip out on me.

"Umm..I don't know yet, Baekhyun." I said as I ate the bacon.

"Oh." He said. He pours the milk in a glass for and gave it to me. "You know that you have to tell him sooner right?" He said again.

"Look Baekhyun, I hate lying. I really do, but this time can't I just let it go? I mean, I will tell him later but just not now." I said.

I feel like I'm two timing Yixing. I felt bad for both of them.

"Okay. But your wedding is like a week away." He said.

I sighed and I shrugged. "Let me think about it first okay?" I said and I saw from the corner of my eyes, Baekhyun nodded in agreement.


Baekhyun asked me to join him go shopping today. Yes, last night was actually very emotionally tiring but I still want to let loose. You know, be free for a little while before I get marrie–

Oh wait, now that I agreed on giving Baekhyun a chance I don't know what to do with the marriage and I haven't even told Yixing yet.

The worst part is that my feelings aren't even certain. I like Yixing. I mean I really really like Yixing but Baekhyun..I kinda like him too.

I'm so selfish. I know.

But what about the agreement my father made with Yixing? Gosh, I'm so stupid to not even think about the agreement before I suddenly said to Baekhyun that I'll give him a chance.

My father is going to be angry at me. And disappointed. But then again Baekhyun will feel the hurt I felt 5 years ago if I tell him that I like somebody else.

But what would hurt more?

Rejecting the one who likes you because you don't want that person to know how it felt to be hurt so much?

Or letting go of the one you really really like?

I sighed as I looked at Baekhyun's intertwined fingers with mine. Yixing never really did this with me though I wish he would do it every time we go out together.

"Is something wrong? Why are you sighing?" Baekhyun asked me.

"H-huh? Oh, nothing's wrong. I'm fine." I said. I tried giving him the best smile I could put on.

"Oh..okay. We're just going to that shop over there and buy my mom a little surprise." He said while pointing at the vintage shop in front of us.


We walked to the vintage shop where Baekhyun wants to buy his mother a gift. He told me that his mother's birthday is coming in three weeks.

Yeah, I know. I told him to just buy a present from his mother later because his mother's birthday is still too far away from today but he insisted that he'll buy his mother's gift today.

We walked in the shop and started to look around for some gifts. "My mother likes vintage stuff." Baekhyun said.

"Oh so that explains why we're in this vintage shop." I said as I smile.

He chuckled."Yeah, that kinda explains it. Seon, do you like vintage stuffs too?"

"I don't like it. I love it." I said and he chuckled.

"What would you think my mother would like? This one or this one?" He asked me. Baekhyun showed me the vintage themed necklace that he found.

"Umm..I think she'll like this one." I said while pointing at the necklace that had the word 'Relax' on it.

"Relax? Why relax?" He asked.

"Hmm..maybe because you and mine's parents are getting older and I just want them to relax and don't over think too much." I said.

" answer as expected from the beautiful and brilliant Lee Seon." He said.

"Ehh..don't call me that please. I'm not brilliant and I'm not pretty." I said.

He wore a shocked expression on his face. "Do you hear what you're saying now? You're denying the truth Seon." He said.

"Can we not talk about this? It's ridiculous." I said as I laughed.

Baekhyun suddenly cupped my face. I can feel my stomach churning with those silly butterflies. Why is that happening? I only felt that when Yixing does something cute and romantic to me.

"Listen, Seon. You're beautiful. You're gorgeous. You're the definition of goddess. In my eyes you're in the only one I see. You're smart, shy and you have a great personality. That's what made me fall in love with you in the first place." Baekhyun said.

That took me off guard. He told me he loves me but why do I feel somewhat guilty about this?

He held my hand again as we walked to the cashier to pay for Baekhyun's mother's present. As we walked out of the store I realized that Baekhyun never let go of my hand when we we're shopping just now. Except when he cupped my face in his hands though.

As we we're strolling through the mall I saw someone familiar with a girl. And I was so surprised to see Yixing with a girl that I've never met.

And the worst part is Yixing was hugging the girl.

The hurt I felt from five years ago came flooding back. My heart it beats rapidly now.

I don't want to believe what I see in front of me but there's a saying that goes 'action speaks louder than words'.

Then is Yixing's action in front of me is what he's trying to say that he doesn't feel anything towards me? Just like what he told me five years ago.

I feel so pathetic.


I didn't really want it to happen like this but this idea suddenly came into brain so I just had to write it like this. Hope you guys like this chapter.

P.s. I'm not gonna update for maybe 2 weeks from now because of my own reasons that can't be avoided so I hope you guys would understand. I'll be back in two weeks!

P.s.s. I'm gonna start my new fancfic after those two weeks of my absence in wattpad. And I'm gonna let you read the prologue of my new fanfic after this update so please please please look forward to it. I'm gonna let you guys decide the tittle of my new fanfic so please comment down your suggestions as many as you like!

P.s.s.s. My White Pearl has already reached 1.4k reads! I'm very happy. I never did expect my number of reads to reach 1k let alone 1.4k! So thanks so much. I love you all.

@foolish_aphaxx signing out

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