Chapter 29- Thinking out loud

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Read the author's note at the end please?

Love doesn't always go according to what you have planned. -Me

Seon's P.O.V.

I stood there stunned at what Yixing just said. It's a lot to process in my mind. So this means he doesn't want me.

Just give up Seon. He doesn't want you to be his wife. Even if you apologised, he'll never want you.

"Wait— think this through. Don't make hasty decisions." I said.

"You're one to talk when you made a hasty decision in saying yes to Baekhyun to go out with him." Yixing said as he glared at me.

Yixing's face was so scary.

I looked down in shame. It's true. I'm one to talk when I did exactly the same when Baekhyun asked me to give him a chance.

I sighed and nodded. "If that's what you want, Yixing. Then, let's break off the wedding." I said.

"Good. And don't worry I'll tell my dad that I was the one who wanted to break it off. My company is better, financially now so you won't have to worry about money. Besides, I have a new girl I wanted to show my parents. Whom I know won't ever betray me."


That last part stung.

"A girl? You have a girl and you didn't even tell me?" I almost yelled at him.

"Yes, do you have a problem with that? I have a girl, Seon. So what?" He said. His face still glaring at me.

"Ha! And I was the one who you think betrayed you! For how long you and your 'girl' had snuck behind me?" I am pissed at Yixing right now.

"Why do you care? You have Baekhyun remember. You don't need to get into someone's business." He said.

"FOR.HOW.LONG.YIXING." I said hoping that he realised that I was being serious right now.

He sighed and said, "Two months."

"Two months?" I chuckled lightly. "Two months and just now that you had the guts to tell me? At least I told you about Baekhyun 4 days after he asked me to go out with him." I said sternly.

"Look, the wedding is over and now we can live our lives like how we wanted it to be. You can go your own path with Baekhyun and I can go my path with whom I want to be with." Fixing said while ruffling his hair.

I shook my head slightly. "Whatever Yixing. I just want you to know one thing, my feelings for you since we were fifteen was still the same...until now. Thanks for letting me know who the real you is. And yeah, I made a good choice in agreeing to go out with Baekhyun." I said.

I grabbed my purse and went straight to the door. I don't ever want to be in this company again.

I halted a cab and the driver sent me home. There's just one thing on my mind right now. Yixing didn't even chase me after I stomp my way out of his office. Then that clarifies everything.

I hate Yixing. I hate him so much that I want to punch him badly in the nose until it breaks. I hate you Yixing!


After the taxi drop me off at my house, I walk straight into the kitchen to get my bucket of ice cream.

I have to learn how to live without getting Yixing involved. I have to try and depend on myself now.

As I was eating my ice cream, my phone rang and when I looked at the caller ID and immediately I take a deep breath before answering it. I'm sure they want explanations from me.

"Hello?" I say trying to sound calm.

"Seon, we heard from Yixing that you two are cancelling the wedding. My daughter, what happened? I thought Yixing was treating you good." My father asked.

"I don't want to talk about it father." I say while puffing my chest.

"Yixing told us he was cheating on you. He had another girl. I know it's not true. What really happened, my child?" He asked.

I tried to hold my tears. I don't want him knowing that by cancelling the wedding would make me this upset.

"It already happened okay. Even if I told you the truth it won't even matter anymore. It won't change a thing." I say.

"Then I won't push you to tell me. I hope you'll be okay, Seon." He said.

"Thank you. I am okay. Bye father." I say.

"Bye. I love you. Don't you forget that." He said.

"I love you too and I won't forget it." I say.


This is the third day after we cancelled the wedding. Yes, I am still not over it. I thought that I would be getting up my feet now and just go with the flow of life but looking from how I am, I'm still hung up on Yixing. I didn't think that he would effect me so much.

Baekhyun heard about the wedding getting cancelled. He called me immediately after he heard. I told him I needed space. I needed time to think through this alone.

And he, being the gentleman that he is politely told me to take my time. He said that he doesn't want to rush anything.

Baekhyun is just too kind for me. He is such a reliable guy. I can't really break his heart.

After this few days of thinking I didn't know what to do anymore. I mean, yes I have been going to college and I can't say it doesn't hurt when I see Yixing there. It does hurt.

And it hurts even more when he looks at me with a blank expression. It's as if we never ever had a history together. He's good at hiding his emotions.

Jina had been trying to support me and always lending a helping hand when I needed her. She's been a very great friend.

Zhoumi also heard about the wedding getting cancelled too. He told me to hang in there. I just simply replied him with a smile and a nod.

I sighed while trying to work out this assignment my professor gave to me. It was very hard but then again what isn't hard if you're taking accounting and fashion at the same time.

The exams are just around the corner so I have to keep my head up, think straight and focus on my exams. It won't give me any good if I were to fail on my first exams right?


I started to think about what I really wanted to do. Yes, I want to take over my father's company but then again do I really want that? Will taking over the company will make me happy? Those kinds of questions keep appearing in my head often.

I just shrugged it off. But sometimes I do feel like I'm not going to enjoy my life if I take over the company. I keep thinking and thinking everyday and had finally made a decision.

A decision that maybe my parents wouldn't agree on. But it's the risk I would take. No matter what, I live for me. So I have a right to do what I want. I just hope my parents won't be as surprised as I expect them to be.

Oh, damn it.

Of course they'll be surprised. They might even get a heart attack. Not that I want them to.


Hey, guys! Sorry for keeping you guys waiting for so long. I kept forgetting that I have a story going on here on wattpad. But I promise that I will finish my works here even if it takes more than a year.

This story is also coming to an end. A few more chapters and MWP will be history I hope you guys like this chapter even though I know some of you are not really a fan of my story line.

And also, more than 300 views since the last time! OMG guys. Thanks so much for the support!

Don't forget to read my other story called THE KING!!!

Well, see you again next time. Bye

@foolish_alphaxx signing out

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