Chapter 22: You Better Wake Up Or I'll Kiss You

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Edited 11/12/16

Seon's P.O.V

Yixing broke the kiss. His eyes were also wide just like mine. I think we both surprised ourselves at what just happen.

"Wow." Was the only thing that Yixing had said.

"Y-yeah, wow." I said.

I tried to avert my eyes to the ground but Yixing took my chin with his index finger which made me look back into his eyes.

I swear, the red colour on my cheeks are probably showing. I was so embarrassed. I can't believe we just kissed!

"Seon, I-I..." Yixing tried to say.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Um..I don't really know what to say." Yixing said.

Why do I have a feeling that he didn't like the kiss?

Am I not a good kisser?

"Uh, you s-shouldn't say anything t-then." I paused for a moment and continued, "Um, can you take me home? Mother and father would be worried."

"Oh, y-yeah sure. Come on." He said as he held my hand.

"Um, you know you can let go of my hand." I said.

"O-oh, okay." He said. Yixing stuttered a lot but then again so do I.

Yixing lets go of my hand and it felt suddenly cold when Yixing let it go. The warmness of his hand on mine, I missed it already.

Yixing opened the car door for me and I slide in. I said "Thank you." He nodded at me and went to the drivers seat.

We were driving in silence. I hate silent moments. Silent moments are also known as awkward moments in my book.

I looked at Yixing and he was focusing on the road. I think he was still affected by the kiss we shared. Did he not like the kiss? Oh god, my first real kiss with Yixing and this is how he reacts.

"What a-are you thinking of, Yixing?" I asked him hoping the silence would be broken.

"H-huh? Oh, um nothing. I was just thinking of how your parents must be worried about you right now." he said.

"Oh, o-okay." I said. I fiddled with my fingers.

"We're here." Yixing said and I let out a sigh of relief.

He opened his car door and ran to my side of the car to open my door. He was such a gentleman. I went out of the car and walked with him to my door.

"I uh, I hope your parents won't be worried." He said while rubbing his nape.

I smiled at him and said, "Yeah, me too."

"So, I'll see you around then?" I asked him.

"Yeah. Uh, wait. Seon, my mother wanted to let your family know that she planned the wedding to be on two weeks time." Yixing suddenly said.

My eyes widened. Oh my god!

"What? You mean I'm gonna get married in two weeks?" I almost yelled.

"Yeah, kind of, if your family agrees on it though." Yixing said and gave me an awkward smile.

"Oh..but isn't it too early? I mean can't we get married like in four or six months later?" I asked him.

"I don't know. My mom was the one who set up the date of our wedding." He said.

I mentally face palmed myself. Why so early, Mrs. Zhang? I can't believe my bachelorette days are going to be two weeks time.

"Oh." I said.

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