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I stared out of the window, the sky was dark, the clouds covering up the stars that should have been shining. My little pet has been missing for more than a week now and I was still no closer to getting my hands on her than I was when she first went missing. We had the name of the pack where she was, but other than that there seemed to be no information available about her whereabouts. Her bratty little Alpha mate was making this all a lot more complicated than it needs to be. Every second she was away from me meant I was going to be forced to work that much harder to get her back to the state I needed her in.

There wasn't much leeway with the time frame that I had and I can't afford to spend excessive amounts of time retraining the little freak. She was an asset that had been stolen from me before I could finish up her polish. The pack had connections and I was sure that they were doing what they could to identify those of us who were involved and find ways to seek 'justice'. It didn't matter to me, all that matters is getting back my precious little pet and setting everything straight.

I pulled the phone from my pocket quickly typing in the number I needed before sending a quick message. I needed an update on the pack, I had gotten one yesterday but I needed more details if I was to continue planning how to get Elvira back to me. That meant demanding more of those who I controlled and taking back the reins to some degree. I couldn't get too involved, not if I wanted to avoid getting caught, but that didn't mean I had to walk around blind to what was happening around me. Seconds latter the phone vibrated in my hand and I answered the incoming call.

"What more do you have for me, this needs to be done and done quick."

"I am afraid there isn't really anything good to report Sir. The pack defenses are thick and there aren't any gaps, someone thought that they found one earlier, but it was determined it was a decoy meant to draw out anyone who planned on attacking Moon Shadow. The surrounding packs are all on good terms and none hold any kind of hostility towards the Alpha or pack itself. It doesn't help that its one of the bigger packs in the region and a very big trading pack with more allies than we would like."

I was beginning to become very tired of this Alpha and his pack very quickly. However I couldn't act rashly or I would be at risk of losing sight of what was most important, the plan and the timeline. I had left a good chunk of wiggle room in the original planning so we did have some time. However, it seemed I was going to have to delay it all by at least two or three months because it would take me at least that long to fix the issues this runt was causing me.

"Just do what you can and keep me updated. I want at least two emails a day and a phone call every other with more if you find that anything appears to be changing. I'll let you know what the plan is as soon as it is finalized." I didn't bother waiting for a reply before hanging up and slamming the phone back down onto the desk. Before I could do anything I got another call and answered without looking at who was calling.

"I suggest you have good news or hang up as I am not in the mood for anything else at the moment." I warned the cool edge to my voice threatening whoever had called.

"Oh, I think you will like the news I have to share. I think I have found a way into that tight little pack you have your mongrels keeping your eyes on. Now are you going to threaten me again or listen to what I have to say darling?" The lightly accented female voice on the other end sent my blood pumping and a smile instantly lit up my features.

"I always have time for you my love, especially when you bring news like that now tell me what it is that you know."

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