Chapter Two: Tomorrow

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My eyes shot open, I was met with the dim light of the single light bulb that lit my room. I attempted to stretch but as soon as I moved my arms my back and ribs screamed in protest. I whimpered as I pulled up the bottom of my shirt to reveal the black bruising that surrounded my ribs. It was only then that I noticed the lines decorating my hands. The thin lines made from Rishi's knife wove together to create the image of a snake, I flinched away from the picture having never liked the creatures.

I felt something wet running down my cheek and it took me a few moments to understand it was a tear. One would think that I'd be used to it by now, that I would be used to the bruising and the fact that I was only a plaything. That was what I was, after all, my only job was to make others happy, by letting them take their anger out on me. I couldn't really remember a time when I hadn't been a slave to Master, but I knew that at one point I hadn't.

I closed my eyes letting my mind wander to the blurred images of a time long since past. Visions of tall trees and children with blurred faces laughing, a large chandelier glittering with jewels, and a man and women with no face swinging someone in between. I felt the faintest hint of a smile coming to my face, but I held it in unsure of what might happen if I allowed myself even that small pleasure.

This place had taken so much from me, of course, it was all part of my education Master said. Memories of my past they would just confuse me, at least that's what he said. That my family hadn't wanted me and had given me to him because I was trash and he had been kind enough to take me in. But now he was having to undo all of the damaging thoughts they had put into my head, though recently he had begun saying I was almost done with my education.

There was no sense of modesty here, I had been stripped for punishment too many times to expect anyone but me to care. Besides, Master always told me that my body was his property and therefore his to punish as he wished. Master always got what he wanted no matter who tried to stop him.

I couldn't help of when I was first brought here, or at least what I could remember of when I was first brought here. I had thought Master was trying to hurt me that he had stolen me instead of saving me from my family. I had attempted to escape multiple times which had resulted in long and painful lessons on the subject of loyalty and understanding one's position. Now I knew better but in those beginning days, I fought against them whenever they harmed me not understanding that they were doing what was best for me. I knew now that though they did not care for me, because no one could love a useless worm they did want me to feel as though I had a purpose and see they were giving me the only chance I would ever get.

I clenched my teeth and against my bodies will I pushed myself to my feet. My bladder was full and I was not going to let some bruising and possible broken ribs stop me from having any dignity. I shuffled my way over to the bucket I had in one corner that I used as my bathroom. It was much better than when I hadn't had anything and just had to use the corner and stare at it whenever I looked over.

After finishing my business I once again stumbled back to my bed. As I fell into my bed I decided I would play another one of my games to distract myself. I turned and stared at the faded letters on the inside of the cardboard and tried to decipher what they said. I knew how to read, but the letters were so torn apart and faded that I couldn't understand what it said anymore. It was just a way to try to distract my brain from the pain that was eating at my chest and back right now.

I wondered how long I had been here with Master. I had no idea how old I was when he had taken me and it didn't help that I couldn't remember a large chunk of the first while I had been here. Since I wasn't allowed to access the television or any other electronics for that matter I had no idea what year it was. There were only two things I still carried with me from my previous life, my birthday and my name. Both were things I had worked hard to make sure that I never forgot no matter what else happened I would always remember those two things.

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