Chapter Seven: Heart Beats

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I couldn't control my body, I knew that it was there and yet I couldn't connect any part of my mind to it. My fingers wouldn't move as I commanded them nor my toes. I couldn't open my eyes even though I desperately wanted to. My soul felt utterly exhausted and yet all I wanted to do was look at the world around me to see what was going on.

"Her heart....high!"

"Pressure.... needs.... their now."

"....isn't.... healing properly?"

Everything I heard seemed to blur together as if I was underwater. As I drifted in and out of consciousness I found it harder and harder to understand what exactly was going on around me. None of the voices around me sounded familiar and all of the sounds were ones I hadn't heard before. They did not belong to the world I knew and it scared me to think about what that might mean, what Master might be planning for me.

Without my willing it a sudden ache fills my chest as if it is about to explode my back arches sending pain shooting through my spine. I cannot control what is happening but soon I feel the pain fade from my body and my attachment to my own limbs seems to fade.


".... losing.... blood!"

"I ....40 CC's....!"

I realize that this is death, this is what it feels like to die and strangely it doesn't scare me. The fear I had so often heard and associated with death is nowhere to be found, the only emotion I can bring myself to feel

I wasn't going to be forced to wake up, wasn't going to have to clean any more rooms, wasn't going to have to look into Master's eyes anymore. The world would fade from my memory and I would fade from its memory as well, a forgotten soul no one would mourn. No one knew who I was, no one cared who I was, I would not be missed nor remembered.

"Please..... met you.... leave me....even.... name, gods.... know your.... promise.... take that....just stay....please....with me...." That voice for some reason seemed to resonate within my soul awakening something that I had never felt before.

A voice a voice from deep inside me pushed up as if it were trying to take control of my body. It pushed me back towards the body that held the so much pain and suffering for me. I fought it, thrashed against the force, kicked and fought but there was nothing worked. I couldn't do anything, whatever was there inside of my mind was stronger than I was. Soon enough I found myself connected once again to my body and I wanted to weep.

"Please, please just let this go," I pleaded with whatever that thing was inside me that tried to push my heart to begin its rhythms again.

"Mate, that is mate." The voice was weak it was soft, and yet it was firm.

Nothing could stop it and finally though I wished that it was going to stop it. I did everything that I could to try to keep that thing from beating me, from making my heart begin it's pulsing. But it won pushing me back into the body that held me captive and all I could do was watch and wait. Wait for the pain to come back to come rushing in.

Then almost against me, will my eyes opened. 

AN: I know that this chapter is short but it is setting up the Saturday chapter which is going to be super long. So thank you all for sticking with it. Until next time, bye bye!

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