Chapter 43: Breakfast

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The soft warmth of the rising sun prodded me towards consciousness. It was relaxing to finally be able to wake without panic shooting through my body. The blankets that surrounded me kept me cocooned from the cold that I knew the morning would bring when they were removed. I laid there quietly enjoying the silence, peace, and calm that came with this space between sleeping and waking. 

The sound of the door to my room opening startled me, and instinctively I curled slightly. I pulled my fuzzy blanket up hiding most of my face, with the exception of my eyes which scanned the doorway. Mateo stood there holding a large tray with two plates full of food along with two mugs. Smiling over at me he made his way towards the table that sat in the seating area.

“Good morning little mouse, I see you are hiding once again. Unfortunately for you your hair is sticking a mile up from your head and could be spotted from the ocean. Not very sneaky if you ask me.” His teasing voice relaxed me, my hands slid from the blanket and up to my head. My hair was indeed going everywhere and I blushed slightly, I wanted to look nice but didn’t even know where a hairbrush might be.

“I had my mother and sister stock your bathroom with anything you might need while they were here. Why don’t you duck in there real quick and brush it out while I finish setting up for breakfast?” I nodded and hurried towards the bathroom realizing I needed to go in there anyways. After doing my business I located the brush in a basket on the counter. It held a brush, toothbrush, tooth paste, some lotion, and a few other trinkets that I didn’t recognize. Running the brush through my hair I couldn’t help but admire it in the mirror.

I hadn't combed my hair much back with Master, he said that it didn’t matter how I looked since I was disgusting anyways. My hair was constantly a nest of tangles and knots with no hope of ever being undone. However when I woke up for the first time in my room at the doctors, I found someone had managed to untangle it. I ran my fingers through my hair smiling at myself as I made my way out of the bathroom.

“There is my gorgeous mate; and look at that, her hair is no longer a mountain!” I giggled at Mateo’s antics as I walked closer to where he had set up the food atop the coffee table. I paused when I noticed there were two plates set up with pillows sitting on the floor in front of either one. I tilted my head in confusion, were they both for me? 

“I hope you don’t mind, I wanted to eat breakfast with you today. If it’s to much I can eat somewhere else, i am sorry if I am being pushy. I should just let you eat in peace.” Mateo was speaking a mile a minute and the worry that built on his face caused me to giggle once again.

“It’s fine, I d...don’t mind if you want to with me.” I replied sitting on one of the cushions and reaching for the mug set beside the plate. The liquid was a light brown color with marshmallows floating on top. I didn’t recognize it, but the knowing smirk on Mateo’s face told me that he did. I hesitantly lifted the mug to my lips and sipped. My eyes grew wide and I turned my shocked eyes towards my mate. 

“It’s called hot chocolate, I thought that you might like it. Usually you drink it during the winter time, but I figured you probably wouldn’t be a good choice for you. You seem to really enjoy chocolate, not unlike most people in the world.” I couldn’t help the warmth that filled me, it wasn’t just from the warm drink, but also the kindness of the man in front of me. 

We ate most of our breakfast in a comfortable silence. It was delicious, I was still getting use to having food available to me and being allowed to actually eat it. The plate was pretty full and I was only able to eat about half of what was on it. I was nervous that Mateo would be upset and think I didn’t appreciate what I was offered, but was surprised by his response when he noticed I was finished eating.

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