Chapter Eight: Awake

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As soon as my eyes opened I immediately shut them again. My body couldn't take it, I was alive, yes, but I was still torn to shreds by what Master had done to me. My mind was once again connected to my body and all I could feel was pain. I tried to cry out but my voice wouldn't respond, my throat too raw from my whipping earlier. I arched my back and pulled my arms close to my chest hoping to keep myself from the pain.

"She's awake!"

"How the hell, get her back under now."

The voices were harsh and all around me, I had no idea where I was. My eyes still refused to open and as hands began to touch me I fought against them. I lashed out at anything that came near me and while it made my back scream in agony I refused to let anyone hurt me further.

"Grab her hands and strap her down!"

"We have to immobilize her, she is only going to hurt herself more. She's already torn some of the stitches on her back and we still aren't sure what else is wrong yet."

More hands reached out for me this time their fingers intent on keeping me down. I hated them, hated those hands that tried to keep me trapped here. I didn't want them to touch me, why couldn't they understand that they couldn't touch me! I whimpered and flailed against their grips, to many hands, to many people. My breathing picked up and it was nearly impossible for me to get enough oxygen into my body.

I'm forced back onto the unforgiving metal of the table beneath me. I have to be in Master's playroom, I've never seen a table anywhere else but in that room. I cried, why, why had he brought me here, after this morning I thought I was done, thought he would let me be. Than I remembered what Jeromine had said to me this morning, that Master had agreed to let him have some fun with me later. That had to be what this was, he had decided to let his friends join him in this part of my punishment to ensure that I was truly miserable.

My arms and legs were pinned tightly to the table and strapped down to keep me from moving. I tugged against the restrints bucking wildly as I attempted to escape the pain that was sure to come. I had been so close to death, I had almost been there maybe if I fought hard enough I could make it back once again.

"Get her head, she needs to remain as still as possible if we are going to work on her. Where are we at on the anesthesia?" A deep male voice called out and knew it had to be one of Master's men.

Another set of hands grabbed the back of my neck forcing me to turn my head. Somehow my vocal cords were able to begin functioning again and I screamed. This seemed to surprise whoever was holding me and I was able to wrench my neck from his hold. As he tried to keep a hold on me I did my best to keep him away going so far as to attempt to bite his hand.

"Let me go, please let me go. Girl knows she was bad but she can't take anymore. Please just let me, just let it go back to being black." I beg them, beg them to let me drift away and forget about me.

"Honey, I know that you are scared right now, but I need you to work with us. We are trying to help you, but I can't do anything if you keep trying to move around and fight me. We need to secure you to make sure you don't hurt yourself." The man with the deep voice was whispering in my ear. I jerked away from him and cried as I knew that he was really just trying to hurt me.

Once again the hands wrapped around my head and I screamed and writhed against his hold. This time they were ready for my voice and movement and didn't stand a chance as the strap was attached to the table. I kept fighting thought the only thing I could really move at this point was my back and knees. Something was placed over my mouth and I jerked trying to use the table to get it off my face.

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