Chapter Five: Bloodstains

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I hugged my mother once again assuring her that we were going to be just fine. My mother was one to worry anytime Samani and I went anywhere she wouldn't rest until she knew we were safe. Nothing horrible had ever happened while we were out but her wolf was very protective of her pups even if they were old enough to protect themselves know.

"Please, just promise me that you'll both be smart about this. You don't know a lot about this pack other than they have violent tendencies. I know that you both think you are invincible and nothing can hurt you, but please just be careful and take the right precautions." The pleading look in her eyes wasn't something I could ignore.

"Mom, you know me, I would never do anything too dangerous. There are protocols in place for things like this for a reason, we have a plan. You make sure everything runs smoothly while we are away and make sure the hospital staff is ready for when we get back, I have a feeling they will be overflowing with patients soon. Dad is already over there working but just double check on them for me okay?" With that Samani and I took off to meet the other warrior at the training arena.

As we made our way inside I noted that most of the warriors still had their husbands and wives with them as they said goodbye just in case. I had never minded if their mates attended these meetings right before they left, I wasn't going to deprive them of the time just in case it was the last time they saw each other. More and more wolves began to notice my arrival and slowly the dull roar that had filled the area trickled to silence.

"Thank you all for coming this morning, I know it's early but we can't waste any time. I am sure that Delta Samani informed you all of the reason for our intervention in the Moon Shadow pack and I hope you all can support us in this decision. A reminder that you are not to harm any of the women or children unless absolutely necessary if you need back up remember who is in your squad and let them know. Our goal is to detain as many of the males as possible but you are authorized to use force if confrontation is unavoidable." I looked around the room at the men and women who made up the warriors in my pack.

All of the warriors in my pack had the opportunity to opt out of any intervention responses. Almost all of the warriors were present, the ones who weren't were those whose mates were also warriors and had little children that needed at least one parent with them. I would never get mad at a warrior for opting out but I was glad to see that most were here and willing to help.

"We leave in two minutes, make sure that you are with your company is during the run. When we get their each brigade will go to their assigned section before splitting into squads to clear the area. When your squads are done contact your fellow squads and see who needs help. When your brigades are done contact the company captains and move to help the others. Remember we want to surprise them be quick, be quiet, be efficient. We head out in two minutes, be ready." I turned to Samani, he looked anxious to get moving.

"Are you okay, is something wrong you seem a little antsy?"

"I don't know Mateo, my wolf won't stop insisting that we need to go. I can't help but think that something bad is happening right now and we have to go. I have no idea why but it's really bothering my wolf and me." He confessed and I put a had on his shoulder.

"It'll be okay Sam, we are going to help those innocent in the pack. You and I are going to go and find that girl you saw as soon as we get there so we can put your wolf at ease. Do you remember what her scent was?" I asked him hoping the idea would help to calm him.

"Yes, I am sure once we get there I can easily pick up the scent and find her." With that, we turned and joined the pack readying to take off.

We ran for a little over two and a half hours to reach the Moon Shadow pack. When we arrived the companies split up and began their attacks on the different areas of the pack territory and houses. Samani and I hung back waiting until the initial fighting had started before heading into the pack house to find this girl that Sam couldn't seem to get over.

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