Chapter 44: Shopping

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Getting up from our little breakfast area Mateo made his way to the door. I could hear the voices of two people talking excitedly outside, I couldn't quite make out who they were but I recognized that they were female. Mateo glanced back at me assessing as if trying to decide if it were okay to open the door for them. I wrung my hands together, a little nervous about what may be laying on the other side of the door. I remembered what had happened the last time there had been people at the door, the fear that had taken over my body, but somehow this was different. The knowledge that it was females and Mateo would never let them hurt me gave me some comfort.

It was interesting to me that almost overnight it seemed I had grown to be more trusting of Mateo. I wondered if it had to do with the whole mate thing he and his family had explained to me the other day. It was odd, I had never really found myself in a situation where I felt comfortable around any males, even the younger ones who weren't quite as old. Never the kids, they didn't know any better and hadn't yet been taught the cruelty the older ones seemed to have gained. Regardless, by some miracle, Mateo was no longer categorized in my mind the same way the other men I had met seemed to be.

"El, would it be okay if I let them in? I can have them introduce themselves as they come in if that would help you feel safer." I was brought out of my thoughts at his words. Thinking for just one moment I nodded at this idea, it seemed like a good way to keep me from having another breakdown. Smiling over at me Mateo opened the door far enough that he could peek his head out, I could hear him explaining this idea to those outside the door before he opened it entirely and came to sit near me again. A familiar figure poked their head in first, a genuine smile perched on their lips.

"Good morning Elvira, I am so excited to spend the morning with you. I hope breakfast was good Mateo was really nervous about cooking it for you. He wanted to make sure that he made something you would like." Niriol chirped as she took a small step in.

My neck snapped to look at Mateo, shock filling my eyes. He had taken the time to cook for me, there was a blush spreading across his cheeks that seemed to confirm that idea. I had never seen a man cook before, let alone cook for a woman especially since it was our job to do that kind of work.

" didn't have to that for me. Coo...Cooking is a job f...for women and you sho...should...shouldn't have to do that f...for me." I felt terrible for forcing him to do that kind of work for me. He shouldn't be doing work for me, it was my job to make sure that all of that was taken care of for him so he didn't have to worry about anything in his life.

"Firstly, there are no such things as men's and women's jobs. Anyone can do any job that they would like to do regardless of their gender. Secondly, it was not an issue, I really like cooking, especially when it comes to taking care of my mate. I will never resent anything I do as long as it will benefit you in some way. You are my mate, that means that I take care of your needs before anyone else's." Mateo explained taking my hand in his.

"But who t...takes care of you?" I asked worried about what would happen if no one was looking out for this man.

"Why do you, of course, think you are up to the challenge?" Mateo quirked his brow and looked down at me with a curious gaze. It took me a moment to realize what that meant, but when I finally got it my face lit up. I knew how to take care of other people, I had been doing that my whole life.

"Yes, yes I can do that, I am very good at taking care of people," I assured him, squeezing his hand tightly and bouncing a little on my seat. A look of pure joy overtook Mateo's face, he reached up taking my face in his hands. I only slightly flinched but stayed focused on him.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2022 ⏰

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