Chapter 14: Mother Knows Best

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"Mom, I can't just leave her. She's hurt I have to make sure she is okay," I say trying to escape her vice-like grip on my arm. She glared back at me whilst pulling me towards the cafeteria side of the hospital instead of the operating rooms.

"I know that you are very worried about her, but there is nothing you can do. You have no medical training or any way to really help her while she is being worked on. So instead of sitting there like a bump on a log, you are going to come with me and we are going to talk about this mate of yours and what we are going to do to help her." Her tone left no room for argument no much I may have wanted to.

"Okay, but this can't take long. My wolf isn't doing well with the separation especially since she is hurt. I don't want him to get to antsy because I can't handle him taking over right now, it's going to cause more problems than it solves." I explain to her, as she drags me over to one of the tables and motions one of the omega's over so she can order.

"We would live two hot chocolates and four chocolate caramel eclairs please," The Omega smiled at us nodding as she rushed back to the kitchens. We had to wait for our food just like everybody else, but luckily there weren't many people here.

"Now, I've heard a little bit about your mate from your father, but I want to hear about it from your perspective. I know your father and he probably didn't tell me the whole story yet knowing there were going to be things you might not be comfortable with me knowing. Don't feel like you have to tell me everything, but I would love to know as much as your willing to share." She said steepling her hands in front of her.

"Mom, I don't know how much my wolf and I can handle telling you right now, especially since we can't see that she is okay at this moment. I'll tell you as much as I can, but if you want the whole story we are going to need to move up to see her as soon as possible. It's getting more and more difficult to control my wolf." I told her rubbing my sweaty palms against my legs.

"Your wolf has a name Mateo, be kind enough to refer to him with his proper name." She scolded me and my wolf puffed up inside my mind.

"Yeah, I have a name I don't just call you human after all." I wanted to rip my hair out at his comment as the Omega came back with our food.

"Okay, well then, Luca is having a hard time focusing this far away from our mate," I explained rolling my eyes.

"Don't roll your eyes at me, young man, they will get stuck in the back of your head. Your wolf has emotions just like you do and you should respect his wants and needs as well as your own. Now tell me about how you found your mate again, I guess I should stop calling her your mate and use her name. What is it actually, her name I mean?" My mother asked taking a sip of the hot chocolate to see if it was really cool enough to start drinking.

I took a deep breath before explaining this complicated story to my mother.

"I don't know what her name is when I found her she was unconscious. When she finally woke up she was too terrified of us to even think about talking to us. I can't blame her either, she had no clue where she was or who was around her. Then she ran away and I haven't gotten to see or talk to her since then. Even if I could I don't think she would talk to me very much."

"That's horrible, I am so sorry about that Matt. I'm not sure why she would do that, but maybe when you explain everything to me it will make a little bit more sense." She said giving my arm a reassuring squeeze.

So I told her, I relived the horror of a few days ago once again. I hadn't been able to stop thinking about what I could have done to change the outcome, but it did me no good, I couldn't go back and redo what had been done. All I could do was try and make up for my mistakes now that it was all over.

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