Chapter 37: Chatter

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As everyone else continued to talk around me I let my mind shut off as I shifted closer to Mateo. There was something about the way he held me the gentle caress of his fingers down my back and arms was a soothing reminder that I was safe. I had begun to wonder if I could ever be safe again but it was obvious that Mateo was going to do his best to keep me safe.

"He can't protect you forever. You are not worthy of his protection and he does not care for you."

No, no, no not again not those stupid voices again. Especially with all these people here, I didn't want them to hate me or think that I was strange. I know they probably have voices talking to them the way I do. I squeeze my eyes shut hoping it will help drown out the voices.

"Why would he want you? Your are broken and worthless you are merely a plaything to him."

"He is probably just doing this so that when he gives you back to Master it will be all the more satisfying for him."

"You are varmine and deserve to die, you should just get it over with already."

My body begins to tense up as my hands reach up and rub my ears. I try not to be too distracting as everyone else is still talking about things. I can no longer hear what any of them are actually saying and I am starting to panic. Usually when I am in Mateo's arms it meant that the voices stayed away but something had obviously changed and that was no longer the case.

"Don't listen to anything they are saying they mean nothing. Your mate cares for you, he wouldn't be doing all of this if he didn't care." The voice was familiar and I was starting to realize that I truly had to be crazy.

With two different competing voices inside my head that were definitely not my own. But at least the other one was nicer to me and generally just wanted me to be happy. I liked her, and I wished she came around more often, but for some reason it always felt as if that voice had to spend a lot of energy to surface. Lately it seemed easier for her but that couldn't be possible as they were just figments of my imagination and I knew that.

"Just wait when he takes you to his office it should get interesting for sure."

"Remember how much fun you always had in Master's office? The ways he was able to make you scream as if you were dying?"

"What wonderful things could Mateo do to you there? Tear your skin from your bones and remind you of the rules you have so carelessly broken."

"Touching people without permission, talking without permission, and saying the 'name' you feel you have earned without any real right. What would Master say?"

"Better yet what will Master do when he finally gets his hands on you again and finds out what you did? Probably he will take us down to the dungeons again to ensure we remember exactly what you mean to him. Nothing more than a toy, a pet for him to do with as he pleases."

"Don't listen to them Elvira, they are just trying to hurt us. You need to be strong, they can't do anything. They are just voices." That was the problem, because the nice voice was also just a voice and was getting drowned out by the cackling voice throwing memories at me and forcing me to think about them.

I was trapped inside a metal cage with my body pressed against the floor in the middle in order to avoid the reaching hands from the cages around me. The grimey hands of the other captives down here who were desperate for any form of release from this hellish world they were constantly inside. I provided a wondrous form of entertainment as I wasn't strong enough to escape their holds once they got their hands on me.

Screams from the other's kept in the dungeon were echoing through the halls the way they always did. It was never quiet down here as someone was always pulled out of their cells to keep the guards occupied as to not die of boredom. I wished they had picked me to be their current torment as they were the better of me current options.

At least the guards knew about the Master's need for me to remain able to function when brought back to my room. They always made sure that no matter how much they hurt me I would still be able to perform the duties Master might give me the next morning. The prisoners had no issue damaging anything that could have value to Master as he was the source of their imprisonment and they were stuck in here because of him.

The kind voice reached out her spindly fingers taking control of my mind if only for a moment to let a low whimpering yelp escape my lips. I hadn't been making any sound as to try not to disturb those in conversation not five feet away from me. My fingers dug into the flesh behind my ears and I could feel blood beginning to trickle down onto my neck.

"ELVIRA!" Mateo's sharp cry as he turned my body to face him brought me out of my memories further thought it did not stop the voices from continuing their constand chatter.

"Filth that doesn't deserve love."

"You are nothing, you mean nothing."
"End it all ready, make the world a better place."

"Go back to Master and remember what he taught you."

"They will only hurt you."

"You are not worthy of love."

"You are not worthy of love."

"You are not worthy of love"

I could suddenly feel two different sets of hands on me and I began to thrash not knowing who the other hands belonged to. I knew that one belonged to Mateo, though I didn't want him touching me right now either. I kicked at the bodies around me no longer able to tell who they were in the chaos of my mind.

"Mateo she isn't calming down!" The voice sounded concerned and grabbed at my arm where my IV was.

I assumed they were trying to pump more things into my body to make me fall asleep once again so I thrashed harder taking my left hand off of my head and shooting down to pull out the IV. Another hand reached out and grabbed onto my hand holding it down against a hard surface. I bucked my hips as I felt someone straddle me forcing my body to stay on the ground. Finally my vocal cords released and I shrieked, still clawing and fighting.

"GET OFF, I will be a good girl I promise. I don't need to go down there again. I was good, I promise. Pet will be a good Master, she promises. NO PUNISHMENT PLEASE! No, no, no, no, no, no, NO!!"

"Mateo do something fast, She is bleeding bad and I need to fix her stitches before she gets an infection. Obviously that isn't helping so something else might be a great idea." I could hear them but it was like I couldn't process exactly what they were saying as it wasn't registering in my brain.

"I am gonna shift."

"Do you really think that's a good idea, Mateo? What if it scares her more than she already is."


I was enveloped in a warmth I had never experienced before. It was soft, and fluffy weighing on my chest in a way that made me feel really safe. I began to breathe deeper and my hands didn't move to hit the arms around me instead to grab on to whatever was above me. The voices quieted as the softer feminane voice spoke up once again.

"Mate, mate is with us and taking care of us. He loves us, he would never hurt us." I trusted the voice and focused on what was between my hands. Finally looked up at what was going on above me.

There was a large wolf laying on my chest purring softly sending vibrations running through my chest helping me be able to once again focus on my body instead of my mind. The wolf was large and laid over my whole torso and legs not just with extra laying on the floor as well. There was something so similar to this wolf I couldn't quite put my finger on it.

The wolf was obviously a boy, it would be huge for a girl wolf and I was fairly certain I could feel something that confirmed my suspicion. My whole body felt tingly sitting with him on my chest in a similar way to what Mateo's hands did to me. When I looked into his eyes they looked exactly like the ones I had gotten so use to staring into.


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