Chapter 34: Breathing

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Karthan and my dad moved so that they were within the boundaries of the little group that had assembled in my mate's room. I knew when she woke up that she was going to be overwhelmed but I also couldn't leave her alone in here. I also couldn't just send everyone away, so we were just going to have to figure it out when she woke up. For now, I just needed to make sure that my mate was okay and that would be enough.

"Her lacerations are really starting to close up nicely and her stitches should fall out in a couple of days. That is as long as she doesn't do anything crazy that might rip the skin open again. I imagine she is still in a lot of pain but from what I can tell it doesn't seem to bother her as much as it should." I lowered my head a bit realizing that was probably because she had been in pain so often that is was her natural state of being.

"Also from what I can see and from her reactions her bones are setting well. That gives me some hope, but I don't think her wolf is helping her to heal in any way. Mostly it seems like she is healing at somewhere in between a human and wolf speed. It's an interesting combo and one I have never seen anything like this before." I perked up a little at this. At least she wasn't going to be suffering for as long as we had previously expected.

"From what I can tell without any x rays it will be about two or three weeks before I can give her a physical clean bill of health. That does not include her weight, mind, or emotional health but at least it's somewhere to start. Once we get her body a little more on the right track we can address some of those other things. The next thing we really need to focus on is her diet. If we can get her weight up she will heal even faster because her body will have the things she needs in order to be okay." Dad explained and Karthan nodded his head in agreement turning to me a little.

"How has she been doing at her meals? Does she eat what's put in front of her or does she barely touch her food? Is there anything in particular about how she eats that seems odd to you? Anything she specifically avoids or enjoys more than anything else. All of this can help us in crafting her meal plan." Contemplating what he had asked me I closed my eyes and thought back on when she was eating.

"She loved pudding, I don't know that it's necessarily the pudding or the chocolate flavor but she really enjoys it. Anything in a container she tends to either avoid or leave till the end when she tries to get me to open them with as little talking as possible. I think it's just because she isn't strong enough to open them on her own, but I don't know that for sure." I informed them and Karthan pulled out a notepad from his medkit and started taking notes.

"Elvira eats everything she can, when she gets full she tends to stare at the leftover food as if upset she can't finish it as well. I think it has to do with her past, maybe she thinks that we are giving her more food just to take all the food away later. But she also tends to eat out of my reach so that I couldn't take anything from her unless I got closer. Again I think it has to do with what happened while in that hell hole." As I finished talking Elvira moved around on the bed and turned my attention to her.

I could hear my mother and sister in law cooing at me but I really didn't care. Her face was all scrunched up as a nightmare hit her body suddenly. Her fists clenched in the fabric around her and her back bowed at some invisible force. I rushed to the bed pulling her sleeping figure into my arms and began stroking her hair. After her first couple attacks I had learned Elvira loved having my fingers run through her hair.

When her body finally relaxed I looked up to find everyone looking over at me with concern and compassion all at the same time. I knew they were going to love her and I wanted her to start getting used to people. She had already met Karthan and my Mother so they shouldn't be a big deal. I know she just freaked out about Karthan knocking on the door, but I think that was more because she couldn't see who it was.

Note to self get a camera doorbell for the apartment when I installed those new locks so she could see who was at the door. Also probably it would be a good idea to install some new cameras. That way she could use a tablet or something if she was worried about who was in the apartment.

I knew she wasn't going to like the large amount of male presence in the room, but she needed to get to know these people at the very least. They were my friends and family and the only people I really trusted to take care of her if I had to leave for any reason. And considering my pack also needed my attention I was going to have to leave her for a little while so that she could start learning to be independent and make her own choices. While at the same time having someone to watch over her to ensure she didn't hurt herself in any way.

Another note to self call in the maid to introduce her to Elvira and maybe help her to learn that things don't need to be absolutely spotless. Suddenly a thought came to me and I looked over at Karthan and my father and asked about a question that had been bothering me for a while.

"Why does she keep passing out all the time. It's not necessarily a bad thing but I don't want her to pass out with me not there and hit her head on something or hurt herself because I am not there to help her come out of it. I am starting to get concerned that head trauma may be at play." Karthan seemed to think for a moment but it was my dad who answered.

"I am willing to bet that most of that is just her body needing sleep. She hasn't really slept in a long time and this is bound to keep happening. When she gets overstressed her body sees and opportunity to make her so tired that she passes out. It is really just a way for Elvira's body to get a chance to recuperate and heal without any chance of her stopping it. In the next few days, it should get better. But to be on the safe side bring her to the hospital tomorrow morning and we can do an MRI to double-check. You can catch up on some of the pack paperwork while she gets the scan yet still be there to comfort her if she needs it." I approved of this suggestion and pulled my mates now relaxed form closer to my chest.

"Why don't you guys order some food to be brought up here because I am sure most of you haven't eaten. That way when El wakes up I can start helping her get used to people again. I know none of you will hurt her but please be patient and no matter what happens please keep your voices down." The pleading look in my eyes caused my beta to roll his eyes before picking up my phone that was sitting on the table near him.

"I am ordering all my food with your card as compensation for my extra work in the past few days. I am also gonna invite my mate up because I think having another girl might help her relax as the numbers will be a bit more evened out that way." I nodded my head chuckling at his sarcastic response and just stared down at my mate and whispered.

"Oh Elvira, what am I going to do with you?"

AN: New chapter will either be published on Saturdays or Sundays depending when I am available with possible extras during the week if I get time. Thanks for all the support and love!

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