Chapter 31: Phone Call

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Just as I was finishing up my lunch when the phone in Mateo's hand started ringing loudly and I jumped at the sudden noise. He looked over at me apologetically and quickly tapped the phone and brought it to his ear.

"Hello?" His voice was steady and I wondered how people were able to do that. To just talk to one another so smoothly when I could barely get two words out without stuttering and making a fool of myself in some way or another.

"Oh, I wasn't expecting to hear from you so soon." His body suddenly became a little more tense and he sat up straighter. Whoever was on the other end of that call was someone who either posed a threat to him or who held some kind of authority over him and I wasn't sure which one it was.

"Yes, the raid went well. We were able to get almost all the women and children out safely but a few sustained minor injuries, broken arms, and a couple of nasty gashes but nothing a week of healing couldn't fix." As Mateo talked on the phone I organized the dirty dishes from my lunch on the tray so that they could be brought back to wherever it was that they needed to go.

"No, we weren't able to get all of the men in the compound. We were only able to pick up a few dozen but there were definitely more of them. It seemed that they were working on moving to a new location even before we got there because many of the rooms were empty and others filled with partially loaded boxes. We aren't sure where they went but I have men out looking for their new hideout at this very moment." Mateo's soft voice reassured me that this conversation wasn't with anyone who could be a threat to him or I so I began to relax and laid down on the soft surface of the bed.

"We didn't find him there, he must have either been tipped off to the attack somehow or been going to visit the new site when we attacked. We did get a couple of what seem to be his upper-level members but he was gone before we ever got there. We did raid his offices and I have analysts going through the paperwork to see if they can find anything useful but so far it's all just financial records and personal journals that don't tell us a whole lot as they appear to be several years old, but we are bound to find something soon I know it." I closed my eyes allowing my heavy body to relax for a moment and let the constant stress of being vigilant leave me for just a few precious seconds.

Mateo hadn't hurt me since I got here. While I wasn't wholly convinced he wasn't going to eventually his conversation ensured my safety at the moment. I could let my guard down and allow my body a true chance to relax and find some peace. It was refreshing and I hadn't been able to do so in years.

"You want to visit tomorrow?" His voice jumped slightly but not in panic just concern and I wondered why.

"I wasn't expecting you to come so soon, the other Alpha's will be coming in a week to begin helping relocate the women and children into new packs as well as ensuring their access to any kind of mental or emotional help their packs can offer. They have been through a lot and I just don't know if their....." his voice trailed off and I knew whoever was on the other line had interrupted him.

"I recognize that Sir, but you also have to recognize where I am coming from too. They aren't ready for you to just barge in here and start ordering them around. They are trying to heal, to relearn what a normal life is like and how a pack is supposed to function. What their roles in it really are, by next week...." I decided I didn't like whoever was on the other side of that call. They weren't being very nice to Mateo.

I startled as a knock at the door pulled me from my peaceful rest and Mateo glanced towards it still listening closely to the caller. His eyes clouded over for a moment before his vision cleared and he brought the phone a little ways away from his ear.

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