Chapter Ten: Strangers Part 2

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"I want to try something new something I think might work a little better. She didn't seem so scared of you, I need her on that bed Mateo. The more she moves the more she aggravates her injuries from the blood on the wall she had torn through some of the stitching on her back again and it need to be redone. I would also wager we need to reset both breaks to insure they heal correctly. The MRI and CT portables will be here soon and she needs to be still for those and on the bed." They continued talking after that but I once again couldn't understand what it was they were saying.

It was starting to annoy me that I had no idea what was going on around me. After a few moments all but two sets of feet had left the room, the only people left were Karthan and Mateo. Again the door opened and two more people joined them but this time the feet were smaller and the legs more feminine. Someone crouched down next to the bed and peeked underneath to see me.

"Hello there Lass my name is Daria, aren't you a pretty little thing? I can see that your back is bleeding and I'm willing to bet it bloody hurts. Will you come out from under there so I can take glance at it?" Her voice was enchanting like nothing I had ever heard before. It had a slight tilt to it, a different way of speaking than I had ever heard from anyone before. I reach up to touch my own throat wondering what it was that made her voice sound so different.

"You like my accent do you Lass, I bet you never heard anything like it before. I think it's' pretty but I am the one who has to use it all day so I may not be the best judge." I had always like females better, they didn't hurt me the same way the men did, in fact most of them were very nice to me. I realized that they were going to make me get onto the bed one way or another and I would rather have the women help me than those men.

Cautiously I crawled out from my safe space back into the open room and saw that the other new comer was also a women who looked to be about the same age as the first one. I looked her over before settling myself on the ground before the bed.

"Good job love! You're being really brave right now, do you think you could let us help you onto the bed? Jazzy and I can't help you up without hurting you more. Mateo here will pick you up and go right back to where he is know after he is done. Are you okay with that?" I studied Mateo for a moment, he was calm and stared at me with something I couldn't recognize. I glance at Daria, she didn't seem like the women who had hurt me, she reminded me of the ones who use to sneak me food. Slowly I nodded agreeing to let Mateo help me onto the bed.

Daria ushered him over and he approached hesitantly as if scared he would spook me, which he probably could have. Tensing I eyed his every move waiting for him to lash out to hurt me in some way or another, but he didn't do anything like that. He carefully wrapped his arms around me but also making sure I had enough space to not feel trapped here. He lifted me as if I weighed nothing ,which I probably did to him, making sure to place me so that I was on my side and not my back. As soon as I was fully on the comfortable mattress he made his way back to the other side of the room as promised.

"Now then,first things first let's get some morphine pumpin into you so those aches in your back will go away. I'm willing to bet they hurt pretty good right now and I want you to be able to feel all better." Daria's voice just as chipper as before.

The women she called Jazzy came around and started to gather up the needles I had pulled out earlier and was sanitizing them. I watched her warily though she also seemed to be like Daria in that she reminded me of the nice women. Daria had come up behind me and tried to pull down the blanket that was wrapped around me and I curled in on myself to keep her from taking this from me.

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