Chapter 28: My Mate

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I hold my unconscious mate in my arms desperately clutching her to my chest. I had already mindlinked Karthan to hurry over as he already knew about my mate and I could trust him with her. Elvira suddenly took a deep breath and I sighed in relief but it alleviated only a small portion of my worry for her. She had passed out because she hadn't been able to breathe and I didn't know why.

Looking around I couldn't help but grow frustrated at the sight of the cleaning supplies lying about. Why did she insist on trying to clean everything in this house, I had already told her that she didn't need to do that. Yet still she tried to find ways to sneak behind my back and do chores, it just didn't make sense. Her hands had been destroyed after what she had done just yesterday and here she was about to ruin them even further. Maybe Elvira really didn't understand the damage she was doing to her own body, but somehow I doubted that.

While it was apparent there were things she had never been exposed to before and she didn't have the best grasp of the world she wasn't dumb. Elvira was extremely intelligent and very aware of her surroundings, hyper aware even. She was always so cautious around people but you could see the cogs whirling around in her head and could tell that she was thinking hard about something. I wasn't entirely sure what she really knew or understood yet, but I had a feeling she would be a quick learner and catch up quickly on whatever she had missed out on previously in her life.

A loud banging came from downstairs and I mindlinked Karthan to just come up. I didn't want to leave Elvira to go and get the door, but I also didn't want to risk moving her when I wasn't sure what was wrong with her yet. Karthan's footsteps echoed through the house as he used out scents to figure out where exactly we were as he had never been to my private home and had no clue where the bathroom was. Soon he was kneeling on the ground beside me checking my mates pulse and shining a light in her eyes.

"Explain to me exactly what happened." Not a request but a command. Normally my wolf would have growled at him for such behavior but right now he was in doctor mode and I knew he meant no disrespect.

"I woke up to hear her moving around so naturally I went to check on her and found her in here getting ready to start cleaning. I grabbed her and explained that she was injured and didn't need to do the chores. I told her we have maids for these kinds of things and having a little bit of mess was okay. That was when she started to shake and stuff and she wouldn't breathe. I don't know why but she just couldn't get any air in and passed out after a while. As soon as she was unconscious her body started breathing again." The words came out quickly and kinda jumbled as my mind was still working on processing all that had just happened. He nodded slowly as he finished checking her eyes and looking in her mouth to ensure there was nothing blocking any of her passages.

"I think it was another panic attack. Elvira seems to have them fairly often and uses them as a way to cope with things she doesn't understand or when she wants to get out of a certain situation. It could also be her body's way of forcing her to rest since we know she is severely sleep deprived and malnourished. It is possible her body is doing it in order to help her to heal. Either way it isn't something she can really control, but you did the right thing in calling me." Karthan reassured me reaching into his bag and pulling out an IV along with a bag I recognized as nutrients and vitamins that were vital to my mates recovery. Making quick work of cleaning and unwrapping his equipment he continued talking.

"Next time I would suggest giving her some space, sometimes patients like to be held, but I am willing to bet Elvira would want the opposite. Speak to her softly and talk about something simple, something safe. Remind her that she is safe and no one here is going to hurt her in any way. If you find yourself in a confined space like this bathroom try to quickly move her to somewhere more open and with natural light. Sunlight makes us happier and it makes a big difference even though we may not realize it." He inserted the IV and handed me the bag as he got up and I collected Elvira once more in my arms.

"When she wakes up don't get after her about this, I am sure you weren't planning on it but I have to say it just in case. Let her rest and make sure that she gets this whole thing into her system. If at all possible try and get her to eat something and just let her body take in the nutrients. I know this whole thing is hard and complicated, but you are doing a great job Alpha. I don't know what would have happened to her if you hadn't found her, but I am glad our Luna is finally here with us. Tomorrow I would suggest going outside to get some sunshine. Maybe take her to a meadow so that she can see some flowers and we can start seeing how her body reacts to things and checking for allergies like pollen and different kinds of trees." With that Karthan bowed his head showing his respect for his Alpha and walked out of the house.

I carefully lifted my mate making sure the IV stayed in and that it was flowing well. Elvira was so small and fragile I was afraid one wrong breath would send her over and edge and I couldn't help but wonder if I would really be able to save her. I hoped that I could and that she would learn to trust me and allow me into her life in whatever way she could, but I didn't know if that would happen. She had been hurt by so many people for so long that I didn't know if she could ever really learn to trust someone again.

Elvira snuggled into my chest, at least while she was out her body recognized the mate bond and allowed me to comfort her. I knew that she had a wolf hidden somewhere inside her but I had no idea if she was able to communicate with that wolf or if she even knew what it was. I had no clue if she knew werewolves existed or if she had any clue about our culture but I knew that I would have to ask her about it soon. For now the main priority was getting her healthy again and everything else was secondary.

I ran my fingers through her hair as I carried her amazed at the softness of it. Everything about Elvira was soft from her personality to her voice to her skin, she was just so soft. That was why they had been able to hurt her so badly, because she was so soft. I wonder how long she had been held captive by those rogue bastards and going by the amount of scars on her body I would say at least 3 years and unfortunately probably longer. When she had woken up and I was sure she was safe I was going to make a trip down to the dungeons and start with the interrogations of the men from her old pack.

She pushed closer to my chest and contented sound escaped my mate. I smiled down at her knowing that she was safe with me, finally safe her with me. 

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