Chapter 36: Introductions

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I once again took in the groups currently taking up all the chairs in the whole room. Everything had been moved so that they could all sit in a half circle near the bookshelves. I assumed it was because that was the furthest they could really be from where Mateo sat holding me. They must have decided that giving me space would allow me to better keep calm and they were correct in that assumption. While I was indeed nervous having so many people near me, especially large males who could easily damage me, I found myself somewhat calm. My mates soothing touches and gentle words reminded me that he had not harmed me and was constantly offering me protection.

I leaned into Mateo allowing the warmth of his body to wrap around mine. I had no clue when I had become so comfortable with him but that voice deep inside of me kept pushing me to trust him. Insisting that he wasn't like the others and we were finally somewhere we could be safe. Somewhere we could live a life that did not involve pain and suffering.

"I am w...willing to to your B....b...but you have to pr....promise me they w...won't hurt Ple...please promise me t...they won't h...hurt me. I can't....I can't do" My words began to get caught in my throat as I pictured what this large group of wolves could be capable of if provoked.

"It's alright baby girl, they won't hurt you. They all just want to get to know you and make sure that you stay safe and happy while you are here with us. If any one of them does anything you are uncomfortable with you just let me know. And if anyone of them ever tries to hurt you I will make sure they suffer for those actions." His words were gentle and firm all at the same time assuring me that he wasn't going to let them do anything else to my broken body and I was grateful.

For the first time in almost as long as I can remember I was finally feeling as if I was going to be okay, I was going to be able to make it through all of this. My body still ached and strained in places but it wasn't as constant or as painful as it had been in the past. I was actually able to begin healing the broken pieces of myself and it felt wonderful, but I was still hesitant. If things did take a turn and the world I knew came flooding back in I was no longer sure if I would be able to handle it or not.

Mateo pulled me from my thoughts as he stood balancing me on his hip. He shifted my weight allowing him to hold me in one of his hands while the other grabbed the metal pole that held the baggies attached to my IV. Making our way over to the large group of individuals I found myself clutching onto Mateo's sweatshirt so hard I was certain it would be stretched where my knuckles clenched around it.

"Everybody this is Elvira, she is my mate and a little bit shy as I am sure you have already noticed. I know that you would all like to talk to her and get to know her but we are gonna take this at her pace so as to not overwhelm my little one. We are gonna go around and I am going to have you introduce yourselves so that she can get to know your names at the very least. Does that sound okay to you El?" I merely nodded unsure of whether speaking out loud would be a good plan at the moment or not.

One by one the individuals spoke softly to me telling me their names and relation to Mateo so that I could form a picture of how his little family all fit together. I already knew his Mother, Niriol as I had met her back at the hospital. His father didn't look much like Mateo with the exception of his eyes. Mateo and Brexton both shared the same set of ice blue eyes that seemed to shoot straight into your soul and see everything that was on display there. His brother Samani looked more like his father and was a lot louder than Mateo and Brexton. I flinched back recognizing him as the man who I had seen at the dinner party Master threw and was attempting to run out of the room when my mate pulled me closer and began whispering in my ear.

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