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Two days later, and Harry found himself sat in the pub with a couple of his friends. He hadn't seen Louis around campus all week, and he hadn't answered any of the calls or texts that Harry had sent either. His friend, Nick, carried the next round of drinks over to the table, so he took his glass of lemonade from the tray. There was supposed to be live music at the pub that night, and that was the only reason they were there. Nick had said something about a 'talented young lad', so they had gone to see what the rumours were about. Nick was a radio host for the local radio station, so he was always on the lookout for new artists to play, and Harry regularly joined him on his quests. There were a few of them sat around the table laughing when one of the staff members went up on stage, standing in front of the microphone to introduce the act.

"Ladies and gentlemen, tonight's performance is brought to you by a young musician many of you may recognise from previous live music nights. It is my pleasure to introduce to you, Niall Horan!" The crowd clapped politely, and Harry was shocked to see Niall walk onto the stage with his guitar.

"Hello everyone, I'm Niall. I hope you've all had a great night so far, but I'm here to make it even better. So, get the beers in, and enjoy." Harry listened as Niall's guitar filled the room, and a voice that Harry never knew Niall had, came through the microphone. He leant over to Nick, trying to shout over the music.

"I know him, he's a friend of a friend, really nice guy," Nick nodded, continuing to listen to Niall's vocals. An hour later, and Niall thanked his audience before heading over to the bar for a drink. Harry followed him, standing beside him, saying hello.

"Harry, what are you doing here?" Niall asked, giving the bartender the money.

"Just out with some friends. Funny story actually, we're here because my friend's a, uh, radio host and he's always looking for new people to play on his show. He heard there was a talented, young musician performing tonight and wanted to check it out," Harry explained, watching as Niall's mouth curved into a smile.

"Oh my God, that's crazy! Did he like it? Did he like me?"

"I think so, there was no reason why he wouldn't, you were amazing up there! Would you, um, would you like to come over and meet him? If you're not with anyone, obviously, I don't want to get in the way or anything."

"Really? That would be great, yes, definitely! Nah, we still haven't seen Louis and Liam wanted to stay behind to talk to him, so I'm all alone," he said, causing Harry to get a little bit more worried. He brushed it off though, leading Niall over to the table his friends were sitting on.

"Guys, this is Niall. Niall this is Ed, James, and Nick, the guy I was, um, telling you about." Niall shook hands with them all before slipping into the booth next to Harry. They talked about Niall's music for a while, and Harry found that Niall was a really funny and likeable person. He had this way of brightening up a room, making everybody laugh along with him.

"Thank you for the company, everyone, but I should be getting home now," Niall said, standing up and finishing off the last bit of his drink.

"It was great to meet you, Niall, and I'll be in contact with you in the next few weeks," Nick added, shaking his hand, and excusing himself from the table.

"Actually, Harry, before I go, can I have your number? It was really nice to hang out with you guys tonight, it's the first time since Zayn that I've felt normal. and I haven't felt like everyone is pitying me for what happened. So, maybe, if you wouldn't mind, could I tag along next time, if you'll have me of course?" Harry agreed straight away, and they swapped numbers before Niall exited the building. For twenty minutes, Harry slowly sipped his lemonade whilst he watched Ed flirt hopelessly with a girl at the bar until he got bored. Just as he was about to leave, he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. For a moment he hoped it was Louis, but when he saw that it was Niall he laughed, maybe he had forgotten something.

"What have you-" Harry started, but was quickly cut off by Niall's frantic voice on the other end.

"I need you to get here right now. It's Louis. Do you know the address?" Harry quickly grabbed his things, waving to his friends and running towards his car as Niall told him how to get to the house. "Shit, I've got to go, just walk in when you get here." Harry drove as quickly as possible, gripping the steering wheel until his knuckles were white. It only took ten minutes to get to the address Niall had given him, and as soon as he stopped the engine he jumped out and ran to the door. Following Niall's instructions, he went straight in, but nothing could prepare him for what was happening inside.

"He has to fucking see that Zayn's gone!" Liam screamed, followed by Niall's bellowing voice shouting back.

"No, he doesn't, Liam, just calm the hell down!" Harry closed the door behind him, and the noise caused a break in the shouting match. "Harry? Upstairs!" Niall called, so Harry did as he was told.

"Why the hell is he here?" Did you get him here to save you?" Liam yelled just as Harry reached the top of the stairs. Liam was stood in front of a closed door, Niall was crouching down next to Louis, and Louis, well, he was leaning against the wall with his eyes squeezed shut, tears falling down his cheeks and his knees pulled towards his chest. The only word that Harry could use to describe him was vulnerable.

"Actually, I called him. Louis trusts him, and he needs someone who cares about him, unlike you!" Niall shouted back, standing up so that he was looking directly at Liam. They stared at each other for a few seconds before Niall's face softened. "Come on, Li, you know Louis has taken this the worst, don't you think we should be supporting him instead of forcing him to face his fears?" Harry stood there, his eyes darting between Liam, Niall, and Louis.

"He needs to see that Zayn isn't coming back! He needs to realise that this 'I'm not talking' shit he has going on is fucking pointless!" With that, Liam kicked the wall and Louis, even though his eyes were closed, let out a sob at the sound. As Niall stepped forward to tackle Liam, Harry lunged forward to protect Louis. He crouched next to him, his hand softly wiping his fringe out of his face.

"Come on, let me help you, uh, stand up and we'll go into your room, yeah?" He didn't get a response, so he stood up, carefully taking Louis' hands and pulling him up too. He noticed his hands were red and raw as he allowed Louis to lean against his body to keep him up. They were about to start walking when Liam's bellowing voice stopped them in their tracks.

"Maybe Zayn was right to bail on you!" There was a moment of silence as everyone took in what Liam had said. Well, it was silent apart from Louis crying against Harry's shoulder.

"Niall, can you take Louis for a second, please?" Harry asked, waiting for Niall to hold Louis before he continued. "Listen here, Liam. You have no right to be such a dick. You have all been through hell over the last two months, and instead of fighting you should be looking after your friend who clearly needs your help." Harry was now right in front of Liam who was cowering against the wall. His voice was quite loud, his words laced with anger and disappointment. "Louis has lost his best friend, we all know how inseparable they were, and we need to help him instead of forcing him to do things he doesn't want. Everyone has a different way of dealing with grief, let him figure this out in his own way. Stop being an arsehole and be his friend!"

"Who are you to tell me what to do? You hardly even know Louis!" Liam shouted back, pushing Harry's shoulders slightly so he stumbled back.

"Don't you dare touch me again, Liam, or I swear to God, you'll regret it!" Harry replied through gritted teeth, looking Liam directly in the eyes. This was so out of character for him, but he had this urge to protect Louis and he'd do whatever he could to make sure he was okay. "I'm going to get Louis out of here and I suggest you calm down." Harry then turned his back on Liam, walking to Louis and taking his hand once again. "Niall, would you mind getting a bag of Louis' clothes, please, and we'll wait in the car?" Niall nodded, rushing into Louis' room as Harry led Louis passed Liam and down the stairs. The moment they were in the car, Louis let out a loud sob, and Harry instantly leant over the handbrake to hold him. "I'm sorry, Lou, you didn't deserve that. When we get home, I'll make you a hot chocolate, and you can text me everything you're feeling, okay?" Louis nodded into Harry's shoulder as Niall came running out, throwing Louis' bag onto the back seat.

"Thank you, Harry, really. I'm sorry for calling you, I just didn't know what to do. I came home to a drunk Liam dragging Louis from his room and screaming at him, threatening to make him look at Zayn's room. You were the first person I thought of, I'm sorry." Harry told him not to apologise and thanked him for calling. Once Niall had said goodbye to Louis, Harry drove them away from the house, his hand holding Louis' as he cried in the passenger seat.

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