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Louis breathed a sigh of relief when he walked out of the exam hall for the third and final time. Harry, due to the alphabetical order, was a few steps ahead of him but as soon as he caught up, they exchanged a blissful smile.

"It's over," Harry exclaimed, taking Louis' hand and leading them through the crowd of students.

"I'm so happy to know that I never have to look at another textbook again. Please, no more talk of nutrition or anatomy or oxygen levels ever again, well, at least for a while, promise?"

"I promise, baby," Harry replied, unlocking the car as they got in each side. "What time are the boys getting back today?"

"Niall should be back by 5pm, and Liam will be getting home in about an hour, why?" Harry just smirked at Louis' answer, reversing out of the parking space with a wink in Louis' direction, taking him back to his own place for some quiet time.

When Friday came around, the four boys were busy getting ready for a party. A guy in their year, Mitch, was throwing a house party to celebrate the end of exams, and they had decided to all go together. Louis was ruffling his hair in the mirror in his room when he heard Niall's voice coming from the hallway.

"Jesus Christ, are you still in there? Hurry, Styles!"

"It's Harry, actually, and it's not my fault I have so much hair!" he heard Harry fight back.

"Well, actually, it is. You could cut it, you know, that's a thing people do nowadays!"

"You're just jealous I look good with long hair!"

"Whatever you say, mate. But seriously, come on, I need my stuff!"

"The more you keep on, the slower I'll go!"

"You don't even live here, Harry. I let you get ready here out of the kindness of my heart, and if you don't hurry up, I will never let you step foot in my house again!"

"And if you don't stop shouting, I'll tell Nick to stop playing your songs!" Louis chuckled to himself as there was a moment of silence, grabbing his phone from his bed before opening his bedroom door.

"Okay, fine, I'm sorry, please take as long as you want. Mi casa es su casa and all that." As soon as Niall mumbled his apology, Louis watched as Harry swung the bathroom door open, grinning at Niall as he strolled past and towards his boyfriend.

"I was done ages ago, but you needed to learn to treat people with kindness. Now, hurry up or we're going to be late." With that he walked past Louis, taking his hand and pulling him down the stairs, both of them laughing at Niall's huff as he slammed the bathroom door shut behind him.

The music was so loud as they walked towards the open door of the student house. Young adults were absolutely everywhere, every single one holding an identical red cup filled with different types of alcohol. Louis and Harry held onto each other tightly as they went into the house, Harry using his height to scan the place for the kitchen.

"This way!" he shouted over the bass, pulling Louis to where he could see the kitchen to be. They weaved between the drunk, sweaty bodies, finally coming to a stop in the brightly lit room where all the alcohol was stored. "What are you drinking?" he asked, grabbing four cups and lining them up on the counter.

"Whatever beer I can get my hands on," Niall replied, looking around the room for his desired drink.

"Rum and coke for me, mate," Liam answered, passing Harry the bottle of rum that was already open on the table. Louis didn't say anything as Harry poured the drinks, passing Niall and Liam their cups and grabbing a can of cider and pouring it into his own cup. "I think we're going to leave you to it for a bit, see you later!" and with that, Niall and Liam left the kitchen, their figures getting lost in the sea of people enjoying themselves.

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